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Healing Nerfs

Aug 20, 2009
I just wanna get a general opinion on this:
Does anyone else (Necromancer or not) think that Death's healing nerfs (Infection, Mass Infection, Doom and Gloom) are a waste of a spell? While I understand their place in PvP, there is no point in having them in PvE, since the enemies' heals aren't all too bad. This further reinforces the point of the subservience of PvE to PvP. Quite honestly, I wish Death would get spells that are more useful and innovative for PvE. The other schools got pretty cool spells in Avalon (e.g. - Snow Drift, Shift, Guardian Spirit, Cooldown, Mana Burn, etc.), whereas Death just got Mass Infection and Bad Juju (though the latter isn't too bad). Also, I'm not happy that the Bone Dragon pet's epic talent is Infector (+1 Infection item card).

In conclusion, am I the only one who doesn't use any of these healing nerfs? Positive and negative comments welcome. Please give me your opinions on these! Lastly, if you can, try to explain their usefulness in PvE.

- Valerian DarkBringer- Archmage Necromancer
- Duncan SandShard- Magus Sorcerer

Feb 12, 2011
I am with you - my death does not pack any of those spells in her deck. There is one exception - if I am going up against a ton of myth mobs for questing, I might (*might*) add in doom and gloom - for no other reason to nerf the myth bubbles that those guys love to use. but that is on a pretty rare occasion.

Otherwise, yes - I see these spells as good only for pvp (and I actually think most of the utility spells in AV were better for pvp. my ice doesn't bother with cool down or snow drift either)

Feb 07, 2011
Zeruel85 wrote:
I just wanna get a general opinion on this:
Does anyone else (Necromancer or not) think that Death's healing nerfs (Infection, Mass Infection, Doom and Gloom) are a waste of a spell? While I understand their place in PvP, there is no point in having them in PvE, since the enemies' heals aren't all too bad. This further reinforces the point of the subservience of PvE to PvP. Quite honestly, I wish Death would get spells that are more useful and innovative for PvE. The other schools got pretty cool spells in Avalon (e.g. - Snow Drift, Shift, Guardian Spirit, Cooldown, Mana Burn, etc.), whereas Death just got Mass Infection and Bad Juju (though the latter isn't too bad). Also, I'm not happy that the Bone Dragon pet's epic talent is Infector (+1 Infection item card).

In conclusion, am I the only one who doesn't use any of these healing nerfs? Positive and negative comments welcome. Please give me your opinions on these! Lastly, if you can, try to explain their usefulness in PvE.

- Valerian DarkBringer- Archmage Necromancer
- Duncan SandShard- Magus Sorcerer

Hey, Zer/Val/Duncan. :)

I agree with you~ most of the heal-nerfs are pretty useless, outside of PvP. My Balance wiz trained Infection, at one point, but gave it up when I bought back her training points (I haven't bothered buying it back, either). It's also been removed from my necromancer's deck... the only reason he has it at all is because he needed it for the Master of Death badge.

Even in PvP, I don't see how Infections of any type would be useful. You see, most people I've encountered in there (yes, I have tried and failed at team PvP) have pets with Spritely, who can easily get rid of it. I do the same in PvE~ if Dr. Von gets thrown at me, I let my pet Sprite off the infection and then work my healing magic... Add critical, and Availing Hands heals more than Regenerate does (50% incoming heal-boost for the win!).


Cooldown, Bad Juju, and GS (before the nerf) aren't bad; not familiar with the others. That said, I disagree on is the usefulness of Mana Burn. LOL~ instead of acting like a dispel, it's a free cast for your enemy. And I wish they'd stop calling it a utility spell, since that would imply that it's actually useful...


Not looking forward to my new spells,

Laura Shadowsong, archmage sorceress (80)
Valerian Deathwhisper, legendary necromancer (61)

& the rest of the El Veeb army.

Feb 29, 2012
I rarely if ever cast D&G (item card from crafted boots), and do not carry infection in my deck. The level at which mobs heal really does not make it worth it. Maybe in Avalon?
The infections don't seem really useful to me in PvE anyways. I buff until I am assured a one shot defeat anyways, so healing is really not a problem. I let enemies heal till their heart's content while I buff. If I am fighting with others it is kinda rude to toss out D&G because they are not going to leave the battle with full health like me (drain spells) so nerfing their healing is in poor taste. I feel bad enough when my pet casts Spritely right after I wipe out a mob with a crow, nevermind if I am going to nerf other wizard's heals while I am doing it.