The best place for new equipment is the Bazaar on Olde Towne. You're level 30, you may have old gear that you don't want. You can also sell that old stuff in the Bazaar. Then you have gold for the gear you want.
Real easy answer: Bazaar, in Olde Town. Also, always, always sell stuff at the Bazaar. That way if it's a good drop you no longer have a use for, someone else might be able to benefit from it.
Shopping District shops are ok, but Bazaar is better.
For levels 1-59 It should definantly be from The Bazaar! For level 60 it should be farm WaterWorks, for level 74 the gear should be Avalon crafted (If you can't get the crafted then just keep using the waterworks) and then from there keep using the crafted gear, hope this helps :]
I dont know where to buy new equipment,someone please help me! ;c Sorry if i missed topic :/
Stephen GhostBreath Level 30
Go to the Bazaar in Olde Town. They have a selection of basically everything in Wizard101. Its also a great place to sell your olde junk (see what i did there?)
You can try the Bazaar. It is right off when you enter Olde town. Also, you can farm for some gear. You can check around the W101 Forums for productive enemies to farm or check the W101 Fansite Wizard101Central.