Hello. Can anyone help me with the golem tower quest near the commons?
IGN: Mason DarkRider
Golem Tower is one of those quests that you must do alone. No one can go in with you. You will find more towers/dungeons like this later in the game too.
When I started playing, I left Golem Tower until I was a higher level and had stronger spells. Try working on other quests for now, and come back to it later.
I hate to tell you this, but Golem Tower can only be completed by YOU (alone). There's no other way around it, but I would suggest waiting 'til you're a higher level.
This was one of the LAST quests I did before becoming a member. As I recall, I waited till level 11 so I could not only have my next spell, but better gear too. It took a while, but full potion, best gear I could afford, and some luck got me thru it. Good luck to you!