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Help with my Death Deck please

Dec 09, 2008
So i just got to Krokotopia an i am a level 17 death student. I'm having a problem with my deck, what spell cards should i use and how many of each? As i level up, i want to be able to know how to manage my deck as i get new spells. So if anyone has a link of a death student guide that shows you how to set up your deck by level, please let me know!
So, the spells i have now are...

-Death trap
-Dream shield
-Death prism
-Death sprite

And of course i have my fairy spell from the Life School.

So what should my deck look like at this point? Also, what secondary school should i choose and would i corporate those spells into my deck as well? Thank you for any replies!

Nov 02, 2014
You're at such a low level that keeping your deck maintained is most likely the least of your problems. You should have no troubles killing anything in Krokotopia with almost any deck setup.

However, you should always be calculating how much damage you're going to be doing. Look at your gear, how much bonus death percentage damage is it giving you?

After that you can calculate how much your Vampire/Banshee/Ghoul will do with a Deathblade on yourself, and a Death Trap on your opponent. More than likely Vampire and these two buffs, on top of your gear, should be enough to kill anything in one hit at this level.

I tend to keep my decks at the very bare minimum of cards needed. So in this case, I would have two hits (assuming your vampire kills an enemy in one hit). Possibly three for some bosses.

If I know I'm only going to need to hit twice, I will put in two Deathblades, two Death Traps, and two Vampires. Six cards. The rest are unnecessary, or useless. Considering you're death, you won't even need to worry about your health dropping too low, as your Vampire will heal you back up after you first hit, so that you're healthy enough for the second hit.

Hopefully this helped.

Jan 11, 2012
danielson2284 on Mar 27, 2016 wrote:
So i just got to Krokotopia an i am a level 17 death student. I'm having a problem with my deck, what spell cards should i use and how many of each? As i level up, i want to be able to know how to manage my deck as i get new spells. So if anyone has a link of a death student guide that shows you how to set up your deck by level, please let me know!
So, the spells i have now are...

-Death trap
-Dream shield
-Death prism
-Death sprite

And of course i have my fairy spell from the Life School.

So what should my deck look like at this point? Also, what secondary school should i choose and would i corporate those spells into my deck as well? Thank you for any replies!
What I did was to stock only those death spells that life sapped. My theory, which might not work for you, is that if you're not healing when hitting, you're wasting turns. That said, you need to build up to get to that point (in general).

1) get a death pet that has the talents you want on it, but that also gives you an item card deathblade, because that will stack. At such a low level, the more 0pip stacking you can do, the faster your fights will be over and you'll be healed. The pets that give you item card deathblade is: Avenging Fossil, Shadow Beast, and Wildwood Yeti. You dont need to be any specific level to get these thru hatching.

2) Also, if you have another wizard on your account, farm for the Dual Deathblade Onyx. This is a L15 jewel that you can attach onto gear and that will give you 2 more item card deathblades (make sure you X one out so you can minimize cards). If you have the pet, the jewel, and your school trained deathblade, you can do the following:

3) TC Scarecrow - load up your tc deck with these because it hits everything on the field

Round 1 - Blade
Round 2 - Blade
Round 3 - Blade (if needed or you dont have the pips for scarecrow yet)
Round 4 - Scarecrow TC

This will make your fights go much faster, bunch easier, you'll always have max health at the end of fights, and dont need to bloat your deck with unneeded spells. Use prisms only as you need to. Make sure you get a LIFE wand for 2 reasons:

1) You'll never bust your death blades or traps needlessly
2) if they put a life shield up before your prism, your wand will clear off the shield so you can hit and do the most damage

All of this said, use the plan that works best for YOU!!!

Dec 09, 2008
I'm assuming tc is treasure card right? If so, how would I get tc scarecrow? Wouldn't I have to buy them and wouldn't that be a lot of gold to just keep buying tc scarecrows for my deck? And you mentioned a tc deck...so should I have two decks?