Henchmen can only be purchased during a duel, and they will assist you in your current duel only. Once the duel has finished, the henchman will disappear.
i am lvl 35 and i still can not un lock the henchman how can i get one
When you start a duel and it is your turn to select your card, before you do that, point to the Crown Shop in the upper left corner of the screen and click on that. (Your 30 seconds to pick your card for the duel is temporarily suspended so you can get your henchman.) Point to the henchman and click on it. Then click on the one you want to use. Click on "buy" (it comes up 2 times to confirm it). Then close that window (Upper right corner), and your henchman will be waiting for you in the duel.
Then you can select your card and go from there...