We know you love your homes, but sometimes unwanted guests arrive, so we're giving our players more ways to control who is in their house.
There are now privacy options to only allow your Friends (but not their friends) to teleport to your home. Look for this in the Privacy Tab when you press ESC in the game.
The owner of a house can send guests away with the "Send Away" option. Just click on a Wizard in your Home and the Friends panel will appear, where you will see the option to "Send Away". The Wizard that was sent away will receive the message "The owner asked you to leave."
More excitement! With the supply routes to and from Grizzleheim populated with millions of Wizards, Grizzleheim housing is now available! Look for it in the Crowns Shop.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
The new GH house is great. Love the rainbow bridge to the throne room! Have any of the crafters made the other GH house yet? What does it look like compared to house you can buy?
Also, how about Celestia houses??? I don't want to sneak peak Celestia (I want to be surprised when it goes live) but would like to know if there are going to be Celestia houses. Can someone please tell me? Thanks!
Never mind, I just figured out Celestia isn't open yet. Oh well, guess I will have to wait to learn if we are going to get Celestia houses. Unless one of the administrators want to tell us . . . Please?!?
Still would like to know about the other GH house for the crafters. Please let us know what that looks when you can. Thanks.
I forgot to post this in "Lots of things" but I think the kick button should give a valid reason because players will abuse this button.
As one player put it, "IT WILL BE THEIR HOUSE".
How can someone who owns a house abuse this button? If someones friend shows up and you don't want them there this is a great button. It won't kick them from the game. Just from the house they visited. As some put it they like their privacy.
I think they should fix it so people can visit your house at all times even when the person is not there as well. Make it a cool feature for all players. You can't steal anything from someones house. But it would be cool if someone wants to see it.
Yeah I really don't see how someone can abuse a button that goes towards there home. I mean I see it nice to have a button, no more annoying pests running around my house anymore.
I'm awfully upset with KI because of this house. It's for crowns only, please, change this. Not everyone wants to buy crowns for VIRTUAL items.
This house can be purchased with Gold, just like the other houses in the Crowns Shop. Just choose the Gold Tab on the right.
yes but your making it so expensive that its downright impossible to buy it with gold. And it needs to be lowered
It isn't impossible if you look at it the way I did. I bought the myth house with gold when I was about lvl 40. I just thought of it as another kind of side quest (making that much gold). There are great tips for obtaining lots of gold on wizard101central.com. It became a fun challenge to make the goal of 100,000 gold.
Side note: Why can't houses be put in shared bank to be given to your other characters???????? After i saved up for the myth house i was stuck with a castle that isn't worth selling because the amount you get is ridiculously low. I would love for one of my other char. to have it!
I'm awfully upset with KI because of this house. It's for crowns only, please, change this. Not everyone wants to buy crowns for VIRTUAL items.
Hello, With some work it is easy to buy these houses. I now own every school house ( paid no crowns for any of them) which cost the same amount as the Dragon's Fjord, I have also made every piece for the new crafted house and waiting for it to be released to buy recipe. As for the new new remove players and piracy I never worry about people in my house. Don't get me wrong I did while the bug was happening but never before and wont after , I know KI will take care of any issues If something happens ,if they are able to and even give me anything back that is lost. My things are safe,If I don't want to be around the people in my house I can leave and go to another one ;)
Maybe KI can up the limit of houses you can have, i have to crowns houses and the large ms house, i really dont want to sell any of thoes becasue they cost so much. I have gone through the small wc house and the big mb house and i sold both even though i liked them becasue there were other things. I wish ki would let us have maybe 5 houses instead of 3.
i have a question i got this cool housing item that is the triangle thing you see in a fight but idk how i got it so can anyone tell me how to get another?
Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 life
I just bought a mooshu house and i can only put a total of 50 items in around or on this Property AND ITS HUGE.
i have so many open spaces of Grass and i dont think 50 item count on houses is enough i have more than 50 things that i have collected throughout the game.