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How many fizzles in a row?

Apr 10, 2012
I don't know all the game mechanics that go on behind the scenes for Wizard 101 and how they have fizzles set up, but I was wondering if others have had 3 or more fizzles in a row. I didn't really use to pay much attention to the amount of fizzles I did because it was part of the game...and as you get higher in level you are able to buy gear to help reduce the fizzles. I have recently started playing one of my lower level characters again and it feels very odd having to be back at the beginning again and all the fizzles I go through and even the bad guys.

Jul 03, 2010
Linsilee Moonwillo... on Mar 5, 2013 wrote:
I don't know all the game mechanics that go on behind the scenes for Wizard 101 and how they have fizzles set up, but I was wondering if others have had 3 or more fizzles in a row. I didn't really use to pay much attention to the amount of fizzles I did because it was part of the game...and as you get higher in level you are able to buy gear to help reduce the fizzles. I have recently started playing one of my lower level characters again and it feels very odd having to be back at the beginning again and all the fizzles I go through and even the bad guys.
My storm regularly got 3 fizzles in a row at lower levels, I was so annoyed with it I was going to drop the wizard in pond of the Commons and be done with it but I stuck with it and it got a lot better, I am now in Celestia solo.

My Balance now in DS is getting at least 1 but more often 2 fizzles in a row each fight, I have taken to transferring all our accuracy tc's over to her to help cut down on it. The Death we are running with averages 1 fizzle every other fight and last but not least our Storm is not fizzling hardly at all - because of accuracy I have added to gear I guess - ugh

Jul 30, 2012
I assume enemies have the same fizzle rules as the wizards.

It is not uncommon to see enemies of any school fizzle twice in a row, but rare to see three times in a row.

Feb 27, 2011
Nov 26, 2012
Very rarely i get 3 fizzles in a row with 3 people, but if your storm you may want to get gear to decrease fizz chance. If your life however, don't waste gold getting fizz chance to decrease with gear. Trust me, you dont need it. Storm and fire are probably the ones who need less fizz most.

Tyler Dragonblade,
Level 44 pyromancer

Apr 08, 2011
The most my Balance and Myth wizards fizzled in a row is 3. I just started a Fire and Death wizard and so far the most they have fizzled is 2.

Valerian DragonStalker
Promethean Sorcerer

Feb 10, 2009
I had no accuracy on my balance character when I was lower level and had up to 4 fizzles in a row once.

Jul 25, 2009
Once i had 10 fizzles in a row. I got so mad i just quit and i used life spells LIFE SPELLS!!! I is so annoying to do that. Then he used 10 battle mantles and my spells didn't fizzle with storm spells.

Mar 12, 2013
Probably worst was 4, I was low on health and tried to finish off the Ngozi minions before I died (so I could port back with full health and mana and start working on the boss).

Bats: fizzle
Shark: fizzle
Weakness: fizzle
Sprite: fizzle

*ragequits storm*

I ended up having to wand a minion down to bats range, that's humiliating and awful. And I was wearing +2 accuracy robe and +1 accuracy hat and had 18% storm resistance.

Now I know why they're called "diwhiners" but c'mon, that's just absurd.

Nov 06, 2012