As the title states, how much critcal do I need to get a crit hit all the time? I have 332 fire critcal and I am no where near criting all the time. Any thoughts/help? Thanks
Re: how much critcal to get a crit hit all the time
My fire has a 516 critical rating. That is 101% chance to critical according to the percentage. If you hover your mouse over the critical rating in your spellbook on character Page It will show a percentage which each item adds to your critical percentage chance. (To get there quicker Just press the letter "C" when in game and it will go to your character Sheet. When it hits 100 or over 100 you will always critical. Well you wont critical if you fizzle of course.
Re: how much critcal to get a crit hit all the time
It depends on your level and how you get the rating, not on the total rating. If you mouse over your advanced stats you can see the %. If you are fighting bosses you'll get blocked a lot, so critical isn't really much use for questing. It's nice for healing and farming though.
Re: how much critcal to get a crit hit all the time
Idony09 on Nov 3, 2014 wrote:
As the title states, how much critcal do I need to get a crit hit all the time? I have 332 fire critcal and I am no where near criting all the time. Any thoughts/help? Thanks
according to a thread i saw on central, 550 is 100% critical; even if that is true, however, it does not guarantee that your opponent will not block.