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How to cast the minion treasure cards?

Jul 17, 2010
I have searched for answer's on this topic and I have yet to find an answer.
I have alot of minion treasure cards.
I have been able to cast them a couple times on accident,but I have not figured out how exactly to cast them.
Can someone please explain the rules for casting a minion card.

Sep 16, 2009
Um, not sure what you are asking. Are you saying you have added them to your active deck, but they don't appear when you are in a battle? If so, you must remember that you need to discard a card (by right-clicking on it) in a battle, then click on Draw. If you didn't add the Treasure Card(s) to your deck (that is, they are in your inventory, but not your deck) then you will never be able to cast them.

May 20, 2010
The card needs to be in your spell deck's sideboard.

You have to draw it from the sideboard by discarding a card from your available list (of 7 cards) and drawing it from the sideboard.

You have to have the amount of pips needed to cast the spell.

May 20, 2010
Also, there needs to be a free circle on your side of the battle for the minion to join (e.g. there can't be four wizards there already).

Jul 17, 2010
I know how to cast the card but what I can't figure out is when can I cast it. Does my enemy need to be the school listed on card?
Can I use them in regular duels not PVP?
The card will come up because I added it to my treasure card deck and I have enough pips to cast it, but when I click on it, I can't cast it.
My question is about the rules to cast a minion card.

May 03, 2009
Um, Like wow! u put them in ur deck, discard a couple of cards, and "draw". u click the card of minion u want and Voula [or... however u say it lol]

Thanks And Hope This Helps,
Kelly SoulBlossom level 56 grandmaster theurgist!

Jul 17, 2010
yes, I add them in my active deck and they come up like normal I click on the card and it does not work. I end up having to use a different card. There is room for the minion also.
Are minions for PVP only maybe. Do I have to use a minion that matches the players school I'm against?

Feb 16, 2009
You have to have the correct number of pips to cast them just like any other spell. Also, if you're in a party, the party takes up slots in battle as well. Those would be the only reasons why you wouldn't be able to cast them.