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How to get rid of...?

Feb 04, 2012
So, I really like taking screenshots of scenery I find in the game.
But today I've run into a problem: When I enter a world, for example Mooshu, in the "Central hub" of the world, there are these tan squares on the edges of my screen pointing towards the direction an entrance to another area is in.
These are quite annoying and they weren't there before, I don't think.
Is there any way to turn them off?

(For that matter, is there a button to press that enters some sort of 'screenshot mode' where you don't see the questbook/health, mana, energy/ etc.)

-Roslyn Blueflower, Exalted


Click on the compass icon to get rid of the directional arrows.

And you can press Ctrl + G to remove all UI elements in order to take nice screenshots.
