why is the chimera hydra and spectra not boosted? I have noticed that when playing a aura bubble that these cards are not using the 25 percent you gain with aura bubble? why is this they are balance spells. I know that they do not get boosted by the balance strength so we get shorted with that and now we get shorted again why is this? are there any other schools that get shorted strength on there school spells school specific even. can some one please help me with this and will this ever be corrected?
why is the chimera hydra and spectra not boosted? I have noticed that when playing a aura bubble that these cards are not using the 25 percent you gain with aura bubble? why is this they are balance spells. I know that they do not get boosted by the balance strength so we get shorted with that and now we get shorted again why is this? are there any other schools that get shorted strength on there school spells school specific even. can some one please help me with this and will this ever be corrected?
The elemental or spirit attacks should boost with the appropriate aura.
well seeing I am balance and seeing how I need to use another schools aura bubble such as furnace to boost me for my own school spell is crazy. and seeing how balance is shorted on this I feel that all schools should have no boost from aura bubble. all 4 pip spells 6 pip spells 9 pip spells seeing balance can not boost them with there own bubble and yet they are a balance spell not fire not storm not ice balance. and to beat all ice has 85 resist life 75 resist and your taking away balance hit by taking away its bubble for its school spells. I mean come on now does balance even have a school only blade no it does not. all of balance blades are for every one no school specific like other schools have and now your deducting us again?
I dont have a high level balance but i could have swore i seen a hydra pop a ice blade before when its ice head did damage, And if this is correct then the school aura should also give boost to which ever damage is being done.
I dont have a high level balance but i could have swore i seen a hydra pop a ice blade before when its ice head did damage, And if this is correct then the school aura should also give boost to which ever damage is being done.
Ok this is where Balance gets complicated, with out having a Balance wizard it would be hard to understand - yes they are Balance spells but they do Fire Storm and/or Ice damage so to that respect a Balance Aura would not boost the damage of those spells. Yes, you did see the ice head break an Ice blade/trap because it does damage as if it were and Ice spell.
In the end since we have no converts, like the rest of the schools, we also must use these spells to defeat Balance Monsters.
That being said, the OP is correct, it certainly isn't fair that this aura does not boost all Balance spells no matter what they are.