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I think they should make it easier for ice.

Jul 04, 2012
first off it is extremely hard to hit 1 million with ice and you can't do it until you get sharpened blade.I am a lvl 83 wizard so I've been through the whole thing. Then there is storm which you can hit it at like lvl 60. yes I may be incorrect on that. And plz don't make me out to be stupid. again all i'm saying is that it's hard for ice because it takes a long time to be able to hit one million.

yours truly
Robert Nightwhisper

Aug 23, 2009
I'm ice and I did it before getting sharpened blade and potent traps. You must thouroughly stack your blades and traps, from learned, gear, and TC even if it is same spell if it comes from different source so it stacks. Don't forget balefrost, as well as colossal, and just for good measure make enemy ice and get a convert on them. It really isn't difficult no matter the school, just be well planned. Maybe have a friend or two help buffing.

Sep 17, 2012
Don't forget you can also stack prisms and traps, so you get the fire boosts too. You just have to be careful about order. It helps to have a fire wizard friend help by placing maxed out fire traps on them before you set prism, then set all ice traps and neutral traps after the prism.

Oct 22, 2011
As soon as my Ice got her blade in mid-Mooshu, I went for the 1mil badge and got it without any problems.

Balance? Now that's a school that is extremely difficult to get a 1mil badge on using it's own spells. Off-school spells, blades, etc are best for a Balance wizard.