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Ice Guide?

May 01, 2010
Does anyone know how to use ice correctly (PvE)? I came back to Wizard101 but there is no updated guides for it. For gear i'm planning to just get Zeus at 30, Waterworks at 60, Hades at 90, and Darkmoor at Max. Sadly i don't know what cards to use to effectively fight as ice. A lot of people have said to get Death to Faint, Balance for Elemental Blade/Elemental Trap/Reshuffle, Life to Satyr, Sun to Colossal/Sharpened Blade/Potent Trap/Primordial, and Sleet storm in Star school. Any decks that you guys use for specific things in PvE would help :D.

Jul 04, 2015

First and foremost, grats on taking up Ice! They're simply one of the most durable classes, one that can solo almost any encounter!
Your gear goals shadow my own, Zeus at Lv30, then upgrade with WW @ Lv60 (mainly because I noticed the lack of crit blocks!)

Life to Satyr (Life Mastery amulet makes the experience sooo much smoother, it's worth it)
Death to Feint (Huge damage boost, that +30% to self is nigh negligible)
Balance Tri Elem Blades/Trap/Reshuffle/Weakness (I seldom use Tri Blades unless it's a boss encounter, Iceblade seems to do the job fine for normal mobs, zero pip is a bonus. Weakness helps out in boss encounter too, given they don't have cheats for negative charms. Since it stacks with your Tower Shield, it gives a huge damage reduction)
Sun to Colossal/Sharpened Blade/Potent (we don't fizzle as much as other classes, so I didn't get it, chose Infallible instead)
Star Fortify/Infallible (optional)/Sleet Storm (Fortify further enhances our defensive capabilities and can turn the tide of battle)

Early levels, I kept two, one for questing and one for bosses.
Currently I've 7 deck arrangements (Farming/Boss/PvP/Tank/Solo Single Target/Solo Multi Target/Prism), switching depends on the need/encounter. Having the right cards at the right time helps a lot, even with Reshuffle learned.

May 01, 2010
Jan 05, 2014
Zeus gear isn't really needed, if you like farming go for it but auctionable bazaar gear works fine. If you meet a high level group doing gladiator Diamarchus in Olympus, tag along and see if you can get an enchanted armament pet to drop. Enchanted armament is very helpful for low to mid level wizards as it gives sharpen blade cards.

Jul 04, 2015
Can't get a finer weapon than the Sky Iron Hasta at that level.
Personally think it's worth the trek.