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Ice is OP(Any Upcoming Solutions?)

Jul 10, 2009
hunterlegend123 wrote:
darthjt wrote:
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.

Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?

Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!

All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.

I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.

The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!

You REALLY don't understand. First of all those who have issues with a game have an open right to express them. Idk why your sick of people doing so because i'm sure on more than one occassion you have had an issue with something and did not just sit around and do nothing about it.

Secondly, secondary schools? Are you kidding me? MOST people who are smart with pvp invest in skills that are most useful from other schools (ice to tower, balance to weakness, spirit or other elemental shields, star school to your pleasure, etc.). Packing spells for a school you'll get no damage boost from is non-beneficial for facing one type of opponent.

Strategize? Ok lvl a fire or storm to 80, use your amulet or whater "strategy" you have and find an ice with 80 -- no, make it as low as 70 resist to your school and tell me who wins. In the meantime I will be telling KI my issues with this in an attempt to aleviate the situation for people who CARE and believe no school should be able to get immunity and suffer little to no consequence. Don't poison threads with unhelpful comments like these.

Hunter L. 65 Ice
Lail L. 80 Fire

Hunter is absolutely right! strategies of using another school to attack are uselessly useless :p. That would mean you crafting gear to get damage boost for another school and your school when you can have double the damage for your school and none to any other school. PLUS+ you only train the full spells for ONE school, not two of the 7 schools. Also Ice's resist is MASSIVE and extremely unfair. Even if we were to lower it to say 60% resist, even that would be to much. But still having immunity to 2 schools, 40+ resist to all others, and definitely 4000+ health is VERY unfair. That is excluding the ice absorbs, armor, tower shield, etc. Plus all they can pretty much do is stack blades or traps or whatever SLOWLY because they have very high resist and health while you are over there plowing the fields to get less than 1000 damage. Oh then guess what darthjt? BOOM! you get hit with some massive snow angel or mammoth while you are there figuring this "strategy" of yours because they are gonna cream you if you dont, and you die because you cant do enough damage or possibly none. How fair is that? And trust me it is possible for ice to achieve immunity to storm and fire while having there good gear on. So why should every other school be weakened against them? Because they are supposed to have 80% resist to fire and storm or 5000 health? No. This is completely unfair.
Hunter was great at proving his point, cheers for him.

Professor Greyrose, Please read this and tell us what is "happening"

Jul 28, 2010
Yea today I was talking to an ice warlord. He admitted that ice was a little op. Due to them just gaining from the new avalon crafted gear they are starting to become gods against fire and storm. I don't believe any school should have to carry converts to just fight one school. Converts can be part of a strategy but that shouldn't be required to win the game.

May 10, 2010
knightmare12 wrote:
hunterlegend123 wrote:
darthjt wrote:
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.

Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?

Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!

All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.

I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.

The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!

You REALLY don't understand. First of all those who have issues with a game have an open right to express them. Idk why your sick of people doing so because i'm sure on more than one occassion you have had an issue with something and did not just sit around and do nothing about it.

Secondly, secondary schools? Are you kidding me? MOST people who are smart with pvp invest in skills that are most useful from other schools (ice to tower, balance to weakness, spirit or other elemental shields, star school to your pleasure, etc.). Packing spells for a school you'll get no damage boost from is non-beneficial for facing one type of opponent.

Strategize? Ok lvl a fire or storm to 80, use your amulet or whater "strategy" you have and find an ice with 80 -- no, make it as low as 70 resist to your school and tell me who wins. In the meantime I will be telling KI my issues with this in an attempt to aleviate the situation for people who CARE and believe no school should be able to get immunity and suffer little to no consequence. Don't poison threads with unhelpful comments like these.

Hunter L. 65 Ice
Lail L. 80 Fire

Hunter is absolutely right! strategies of using another school to attack are uselessly useless :p. That would mean you crafting gear to get damage boost for another school and your school when you can have double the damage for your school and none to any other school. PLUS+ you only train the full spells for ONE school, not two of the 7 schools. Also Ice's resist is MASSIVE and extremely unfair. Even if we were to lower it to say 60% resist, even that would be to much. But still having immunity to 2 schools, 40+ resist to all others, and definitely 4000+ health is VERY unfair. That is excluding the ice absorbs, armor, tower shield, etc. Plus all they can pretty much do is stack blades or traps or whatever SLOWLY because they have very high resist and health while you are over there plowing the fields to get less than 1000 damage. Oh then guess what darthjt? BOOM! you get hit with some massive snow angel or mammoth while you are there figuring this "strategy" of yours because they are gonna cream you if you dont, and you die because you cant do enough damage or possibly none. How fair is that? And trust me it is possible for ice to achieve immunity to storm and fire while having there good gear on. So why should every other school be weakened against them? Because they are supposed to have 80% resist to fire and storm or 5000 health? No. This is completely unfair.
Hunter was great at proving his point, cheers for him.

Professor Greyrose, Please read this and tell us what is "happening"

So, let me see if I understand you complainers and whiners correctly?

1. You don't want to use Prisms?
2. You don't want to use Armor Piercing?
3. You don't want to use Secondary Schools?
4. You want easy victories and every match handed to you on a silver platter?

Yeah, you have shown me the light. You are right, it is impossible to defeat Ice, long live the Ice King. We should all bow in amazement to their power!

Okay, while you all whine, cry, complain, and throw a tantrum, I will single handedly defeat every Ice wizard in the spiral with a Fire or my Storm Wizard. Why? Because it is not as difficult as you all make it out to be.

You see, I have a plan of attack, a strategy. I don't let Ice blade up massively so that BOOM, I am toast. I know how to shield and protect myself. I know how to properly boost not only my primary school, but even a secondary school. I know how to use feints, I know how to use shatter. I know how to play the game, unlike most of the people complaining.

I have called the Whambulance, they are bringing cheese for all the whiners. Not sure if any cookies are left though.

Sep 08, 2008
I thought about PvP for a bit, just to keep my mind busy doing every day things.

I think one way to completely balance PvP is to:

1: Reset all stats to 0. Meaning; Damage boost, Resistance, Block, Critical will all be 0. Power pip % remains to same.
2: NO treasure cards!
3: No pets. Or pets, but stats/spells will be unavailable for the duration.

I have been thinking more about number 1. I can picture the general PvP population not being happy with that. But you would have to give a little (PvP balance), and take a little if you do (SOMETHING to balance PvP). So, therefore, all to 0. Except for Power pip %, since that is the only real way to efficiently make use of high level spells.

Remember, while pets may or may not add a huge significant advantage over another player, there was no such thing as pet perks when PvP first came out.

May 22, 2011
When i first started playing the game, i was ice, but that age only lasted to level 4, next came the Age Of Balance, witch i got to level 30 with, then Came the Age Of Death, which still lasts today! Right now, i think Ice sucks, and it's unfair that every other school has to suffer in pvps. KI, if you are reading this, help us overthrow ice!

-Wolf, level 55, Death

May 24, 2012
Ice doesn't really 'give up' the rest of it's stats when facing fire or storm. They can easily defeat them now by using snow angel then slowly take them down. They have to shield three times - same time as finding the converts, etc. - and attack.

Most people train to certain spells at certain schools which is better than just one secondary school.

I was fine with ice's high 60%-70% resist since I guess that IS what ice is. High resistance and health; but the immunity thing went way too far. We have to pack our decks with converts, infalliables, blah blah, just to prepare our CHANCES at facing ice. What kind of strategy is that? If we have to 'strategize' that much just for ice it's overpowered.

Anywho, we have a right to argue back so I don't know why (most) ICE wizards get so angry at people arguements like this. All you guys want is to keep your immunity Are they about being immunne? No. Fire and storm shofor easier wins or is it because "That's why ice is about! High resistance and high health!". People shouldn't have to prepare THAT much for, again, only having a chance for facing ice, hence why immunity makes it overpowered lol. :?

Nov 21, 2010
All schools are different storm and fire got a little more challenge to beat ice and that's great. Rather than just blade and destroy.
Shiningfantasia set up things right you don't want to use any strategy you want easy win as it was before. PvP is about strategy and challenge. You don't have to accept it and leave.
I balance and I happy to face ice because they not hard to beat. Even with their resist. From all schools I hate are some storm wizards who spam Wild Bolt every 1-2 turns no strategy only pure luck.

Apr 10, 2010
I don't PvP at all, so you complainers are going to try to force my Ice wizard to have less resistance just because you aren't willing to use a little thing called strategy? I feel about like darthjt does on this.

Aug 01, 2009
ssss55123 wrote:
I don't PvP at all, so you complainers are going to try to force my Ice wizard to have less resistance just because you aren't willing to use a little thing called strategy? I feel about like darthjt does on this.

Haha, Same with no PVPing, but imagine later levels if the cap is raised.
Ice could probably gain immunity to almost every type, then what would the strategy turn into?

The OP of schools also needs to be looked at from a view if the game continues to expand and grow.

Feb 24, 2009
I don't want to argue, just make a few points straight.
1. @pete The max piercing ever achieved (through gear, as of 7/28/2012) was 12% by a storm who had not even 80% power.
2. @Darth I hate to argue with you, but anyone with "PvP common sense" knows better than to FULLY TRAIN A SECONDARY SCHOOL. They only train schools to certain attributes. (Ex: Ice to tower, Balance to weakness, life to satyr, etc)
3. For those saying "prism", they have shields to essentially all schools, how is it going to help? LOL And also you put fire prisms in, you face a wizard other than ice, probably a 5/7 chance (A lot of high rank wizards are mainly ice) that the wizard will NOT be ice.
4. To those that say use treasure extraodinary/unstoppable, treasure infallible, here is my argument to that. Is it truely fair that we have to stack EXTRA TREASURES just to have a small chance at defeating the wizard. And with that, by the time you have set your attack up, they have placed a shield, otherwise they are a darn horrible ice wizard.
5. They are also overpowered in STRENGTH. They can deal more damage to a storm wizard than a storm wizard can deal to them. A storm wizard with 40% resist will be my example with 200% power. (You cant even hit 120!) and an ice wizard with 80% storm resist and a myth shield already placed. The storm wizard uses a 1000 wildbolt. Assuming no shields, it will do 3000 with the 200% power. But then, there is 80% resist, cutting 3000 down to 600 damage only. Now lets do the same thing, except with 95 power, the usual. 1950, resisted 80%. That is only 390. Now woolly mammoth. The ice has 35% power. The usual. Lets calculate: you hit 900 with woolly mammoth. No blades no anything. 900*1.35=1215. 1215/1.40=~868 More then double storms damage, the strongest hitting school.
3. Here is a way to see how much resist Ice wizards can truly hit, universal and to fire and storm:
Here is the gear they can achieve:
Item: Fire Resist, Storm Resist, Universal Resist
Prestigious boots:14%, 14%, 14%
Avalon crafted robe: 26%, 26%, 13%
Avalon Crafted hat: 29%, 25%, 9%
Just the hat and robe together give 55% Fire and 51% Storm resist, and a decent 22% universal. Then altogether, 69, 65, and 36 with the boots.
Pet: 15% Universal (SPUD or SPPD, whichever they prefer)
Heartsteel: (Optional) 5% Universal
(Dont remember name of it) Ice ring: 3% Resist
With a 15% pet, 84, 80, and 51 universal. With heartsteel 89, 85, 56. WITH THE RING: 92, 83, 59 universal. Thats insane in my opinion.

I barely ever win with an ice using any avalon crafted gear, closest I have gotten was after a 5 hour fight with an ice with 83 fire resist and 52 universal. I got him down to 1,200 health before giving up since I had to go. (I had only 700 health left, and his critical mammoth bypassed my block boots)

Jul 18, 2009
I am a level 80 storm warlord and how I pvp now because of those ice people I have to convert no questions asked and if they shield then shatter that's how i do it and i went from 1567 in rank to 904 after ki ruined this game :D

Jul 21, 2009
I said this before in a other post , Ice is the tank wizard that is just how it is and anyone that has ever played other MMO's know it's hard to beat a tank in pvp. Other then that Nothing has really changed with ice. Tanks don't die easy. :p

Now let me put it so you understand. They have high resist to balance the fact that there attacks are not as Strong has the other schools also high health. Now in this game people set them up in different ways. Some sit them up for higher attacks but lower there health others set them with high health and high resist. Then when they stack pet talents on top of it there resist is even higher, Some stacking as much as 15% or more. Add all that up and you have something you can't kill easy. Again welcome to the world of a tank hehe

Sorry if not what some want to hear . Just the facts. good luck :)

Jun 26, 2009
it is totally unfair with high fire and storm resist!!! i do not think it is fair that we have to put in converts just because ice can have up 100 fire resist (yes i have met an ice with that much resist)

Amber RoseSword
Level 80 fire wizard

Dec 11, 2011
lidda65 wrote:
it is totally unfair with high fire and storm resist!!! i do not think it is fair that we have to put in converts just because ice can have up 100 fire resist (yes i have met an ice with that much resist)

Amber RoseSword
Level 80 fire wizard

Spear, Infallible OR, Convert. I just solved your problem :D


~Eric CrowSpear-Archmage-Diviner

Oct 29, 2011
hermionejeangrange... wrote:
timta10 wrote:
Ice is clearly OP. With the new crafted gear, Ice can acheive immunity to fire & storm with a good pet. It is nearly impossible in PvP to do any damage. Even with all the spears and other armor piercing spells we can only get the resist down 40% and waste 3 turns. Also, why should we have to use converts in our deck just to fend off one should we'll get an unknown number of times? Even in PvE it is OP. They should not be able to be hit nothing from Fire & Storm. Simply enough Ice is supposed to have high resist but not this high. KI, could you please enlighten me on any future updates or will this be ignored?

I think you might be overreacting just a little bit. I am a level 74 ice, and never, not once have i had 0 damage from a storm or fire attack. Also, all the schools improve in an area after level 60. For us, that area is resist. If you were an ice (or maybe you are, i dont really care) the giant resist boost might make aliitle more sense to you. Try looking at it this way: Ice has weak damage, and its hard for us to get a significant critical and/or damge boost without blowing tons of crowns or spending hours farming or giving up a good stat. That means that resist is our thing, because it doesnt interfere with other stats and we can get it easily enough. With our weak attacks, we wouldn't get anywhere without our precious resist.

Don't get anywhere with immunity even a frost beetle per turn can help you win against fire and storm.kid you are an ice so you don't get it but imagine yourself being a lvl 80 fire or storm and your attacks don't get you anywhere .so fess up and accept the truth k

Nov 25, 2011
darthjt, I'd like to hear how you plan your miraculous strategy. Converts I do not believe to help solve the problem, as they can shield on top of it with another fire shield. But wait! you say that you can use shatter and everything will be OKAY. Let's examine this for a minute. If you know how to strategize, surely you are currently of a respectable pvp rank! That so, the ice will be strategizing too, unlike within your example the ice seems to have no thoughts on your next move. Therefore, with a prism/feint in place, he may expect you to shatter at some point. And being ICE, he should have a shield in hand or in his side deck, and will shield after the shatter. Even if you successfully land a hit with the prism/feint, the ice will heal. Then you cast Entangle,but what are the chances that you will actually LAND a hit on an experienced ice? Not to mention that there is theoretically a 50% chance you will go first anyways, so half the time the ice will be able to react efficiently (I do not agree how the turn based system works, but that's another topic entirely).

I do not agree how Ice has to be a major tank. Yes, tanks are hard to kill, but the balance of the game has to be taken into consideration. Ice's attacks are not at all weak; the base damage of Mammoth is 800-900, Efreet is 895, and Leviathan is 1030. The attack is actually comparable to fire. Sure, it takes another pip, sure, ice doesn't boost damage as much as fire, but take ice's insane health and resistance into account, and they have a bigger slice of the cake than the other schools. Not to mention they have stuns to keep you occupied, as well as Frostbite and Snow Angel, which remove YOUR shields.

AMULETS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS? Sparta much? I don't agree with this either. As said in a post above somewhere, you don't train all the spells to be efficient with that school and you don't get damage boost. Then darth comes in and suggests to craft gear that gives me stats for BOTH SCHOOLS! Do you even pay attention to universal resist? How much does that fall? Like, 25-30% maybe? Anyone knows if you don't have decent (or better) resist in high level pvp, you die faster than the Persian messenger. What about your block, or your critical? These may be high, but my point is, you haven't taken the other stats into account.

This is far from whining as it is a constructive debate, although I WILL take some cheese and cookies. I'm hungry 8)


Oct 22, 2009
darthjt wrote:
knightmare12 wrote:
hunterlegend123 wrote:
darthjt wrote:
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.

Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?

Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!

All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.

I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.

The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!

You REALLY don't understand. First of all those who have issues with a game have an open right to express them. Idk why your sick of people doing so because i'm sure on more than one occassion you have had an issue with something and did not just sit around and do nothing about it.

Secondly, secondary schools? Are you kidding me? MOST people who are smart with pvp invest in skills that are most useful from other schools (ice to tower, balance to weakness, spirit or other elemental shields, star school to your pleasure, etc.). Packing spells for a school you'll get no damage boost from is non-beneficial for facing one type of opponent.

Strategize? Ok lvl a fire or storm to 80, use your amulet or whater "strategy" you have and find an ice with 80 -- no, make it as low as 70 resist to your school and tell me who wins. In the meantime I will be telling KI my issues with this in an attempt to aleviate the situation for people who CARE and believe no school should be able to get immunity and suffer little to no consequence. Don't poison threads with unhelpful comments like these.

Hunter L. 65 Ice
Lail L. 80 Fire

Hunter is absolutely right! strategies of using another school to attack are uselessly useless :p. That would mean you crafting gear to get damage boost for another school and your school when you can have double the damage for your school and none to any other school. PLUS+ you only train the full spells for ONE school, not two of the 7 schools. Also Ice's resist is MASSIVE and extremely unfair. Even if we were to lower it to say 60% resist, even that would be to much. But still having immunity to 2 schools, 40+ resist to all others, and definitely 4000+ health is VERY unfair. That is excluding the ice absorbs, armor, tower shield, etc. Plus all they can pretty much do is stack blades or traps or whatever SLOWLY because they have very high resist and health while you are over there plowing the fields to get less than 1000 damage. Oh then guess what darthjt? BOOM! you get hit with some massive snow angel or mammoth while you are there figuring this "strategy" of yours because they are gonna cream you if you dont, and you die because you cant do enough damage or possibly none. How fair is that? And trust me it is possible for ice to achieve immunity to storm and fire while having there good gear on. So why should every other school be weakened against them? Because they are supposed to have 80% resist to fire and storm or 5000 health? No. This is completely unfair.
Hunter was great at proving his point, cheers for him.

Professor Greyrose, Please read this and tell us what is "happening"

So, let me see if I understand you complainers and whiners correctly?

1. You don't want to use Prisms?
2. You don't want to use Armor Piercing?
3. You don't want to use Secondary Schools?
4. You want easy victories and every match handed to you on a silver platter?

Yeah, you have shown me the light. You are right, it is impossible to defeat Ice, long live the Ice King. We should all bow in amazement to their power!

Okay, while you all whine, cry, complain, and throw a tantrum, I will single handedly defeat every Ice wizard in the spiral with a Fire or my Storm Wizard. Why? Because it is not as difficult as you all make it out to be.

You see, I have a plan of attack, a strategy. I don't let Ice blade up massively so that BOOM, I am toast. I know how to shield and protect myself. I know how to properly boost not only my primary school, but even a secondary school. I know how to use feints, I know how to use shatter. I know how to play the game, unlike most of the people complaining.

I have called the Whambulance, they are bringing cheese for all the whiners. Not sure if any cookies are left though.

1. Putting prisms in your deck to fight one enemy you may not be facing can quickly come back and haunt you. Prisms shouldnt be necessary, unless you're fighting your own class.

2. Loading up Armor piercing? Ha, don't make me laugh, by the time you've wasted blading up, the ice has already killed you, or he's dropping your HP substantially, giving him the advantage.

3. Who uses a Secondary school for offense? If you're fire, and balance is your secondary school, why are you focusing on something you can't get adequate offense for?

4. Who said people wanted easy victories? People want a chance to win, when they use their character. But going against ice is a big disadvantage for fire and storm, and they have a right to want some changes. Ice is the best in PvP, that won't change.

I'm a myth wizard, and I hate fighting Ice, too much HP, good damage, and extremely high resist. 50% resist to all my offensive abilities? What part of that is fair?

Mar 10, 2012
darthjt wrote:
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.

Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?

Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!

All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.

I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.

The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
Try beating an ice with immune to storm and fire plus 50 resist to the rest of the schools. Plus their damage boost is 25 which isnt bad for an ice with heavy resistance

May 10, 2010
Oh my, are people still whining and complaining on this thread?

Cookies and cheese for all!!!

Converts should not be necessary? Tell that to storm whom has always had to use them already... Although, storm is still very powerful and can defeat Ice with their massive resistance. Fire, whom has an even easier time with their massive DoT's that storm does not have, although, storm does have the ability to seriously heal now and the ability to remove all blades, fire can tear through shields, give -90% weakness, attack and heal at the same time.

People say you should not have to do things, like convert, or etc. So, basically, if you dont have to do one thing, you shouldn't have to do anything else either then, right? You shouldn't have to heal, or shield, or think, you should just win?

Sorry, but anyone whom actually tries and gets a real strategy can win. I have defeated many Ice with 86% resistance to 100% resistance, with their almost 40% damage boost and 5k health!

It is not that hard, but you have to quit whining and crying about it and actually try to do it. PvP is not supposed to be easy, it is supposed to be challenging. If you want easy, try chutes and ladders.

Apr 24, 2012
eric123456789028 wrote:
Exactly! Dude, there was this guy seven lvls lower than me, he had 4,00 more health then i did! i had 4 satyrs and 4 pixies in my deck, and he still beat me up, because he had satyr and pixie too, and all he did was 1) Tower shield 2) Ice blade 3) ice trap 4) Ice wyvern, and he was literally resisting 70% of my FIRE moves! :(

p.s. Go fire (and storm and life)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.p.s. Ice wiz should be called Frostmancers (LOL).

Wolf SilverSpear
Level 42 Pyromancer
Ok first of all ice is better then fire, second frostmancers really? very offensive just because you were beat by a noob ice guy dont take it out on us ice wizards because we are better!

rachel daisyward lvl 80 ice wizard

alyssa moonbeam lvl 80 myth wizard

savannah bloodmoon lvl 80 death wizard

ali caringpants lvl80 life wizard

Aug 18, 2009
I agree but I think in later worlds the crafted gear should be a bit better by adding more armor piercing. Like starting with storm with most pierce since its known to be offensive, then fire with almost as much pierce and so on.
Maybe to make this fair ice should have no pierce or very little because they're suppose to be "tanks," focusing on gear with defenses rather than offenses, no offense though.. lol

Talon SpiritWalker
Lvl 80 Storm

Talon SkyRunner
Lvl 75 Balance

Zachary NightPyre
Lvl 70 Fire

Apr 18, 2010
All you need is prisms to counter ice resist to fire and storm. ice is not overpowered, you just need to use your head when you fight them