Okay, so I have a strategy to use for my Ice wizard. I want to go through wizard city with just Ice. No secondary. I'll pick a secondary school when I go to krokotopia. But the problem I'm having is deciding which school to choose as my secondary. I was leaning toward life, so I would be almost unbeatable. Irdk. Any help would be appreciated
Okay, so I have a strategy to use for my Ice wizard. I want to go through wizard city with just Ice. No secondary. I'll pick a secondary school when I go to krokotopia. But the problem I'm having is deciding which school to choose as my secondary. I was leaning toward life, so I would be almost unbeatable. Irdk. Any help would be appreciated
My highest level wizard is Ice with Death as a secondary. I like either Life or Death as a secondary for Ice...either makes you virtually unstoppable. :)
I personally do not take secondary school spells for any of my wizards any more. I only get spells that will enhance the spells given by my school and work solely with them..
I start with the tri-blades given by Niles in Krockatopia. Reshuffle is optional from the secret trainer on Colossus Blvd., maybe stun block from Diego. Then at level 50 I get the Sun spells starting with Strong. You don't have to take the accuracy spells to just get the fists and they cost 5 training points. Later in AZ you will be offered other Star and Sun spells that are also handy.
Okay, so I have a strategy to use for my Ice wizard. I want to go through wizard city with just Ice. No secondary. I'll pick a secondary school when I go to krokotopia. But the problem I'm having is deciding which school to choose as my secondary. I was leaning toward life, so I would be almost unbeatable. Irdk. Any help would be appreciated
I have a level 90 ice. I took death to feint, elemental blades and traps from Niles, and then the sun school spells. I soloed most of the worlds using this combination. Ice has the resists and health to last longer in battles giving them more time to set up for bigger hits.
I have a level 82 ice wizard that I trained in death and that worked out well for me. I also trained in the sun and star schools and I use sun the most. If I could start my ice wizard over again I would train my ice wiz in death up to feint and then train in just the sun school (only the damage cards like Strong and Giant). But even then I believe you would have some training points left over to spend on other schools.
I'd say Life to Satyr and Death to Feint. That's what I'm doing on my Ice wizard. Also remember to save points for the elemental traps/blades from Niles, and astral spells when you get there :P Sierra Ashblood, Transcendent
Secondary schools are sort of a mixed bag - if you have a mastery amulet or a clear-cut strategy that calls for mastery of a second school, then you train in a secondary school.
Most of the time however you're just picking up utility spells from other schools in a smorgasbord fashion - 3 from column A, 4 from column B, etc.
Life to sprite and death to feint are pretty common. However, if you are fine sitting on points until CL, you will have some unique strategy options. Mind you, astral spells won't fix all of Ice's shortcomings and you will still need to look at basic healing, damage reduction, manipulation, and survivability.
Elemental blades, reshuffle, and (I think) life to sprite are probably indispensable.
The most recommended secondary for Ice is Life to Satyr and Death to Feint (learn whichever is better for you first). Believe me, using this I soloed to end of Zafaria.