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IKL626's guide to manners in the Spiral -

Nov 05, 2011
Welcome all (I realize the title's slightly cheesy - but oh well)

I have written this topic to be as a guide to players who may of overlooked KI's rules. I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment!

General -
- Treat others like you'd like to be treated, no one likes a meanie who thinks they're on top of everyone else.
- Don't purposely break the rules, friends feel so bad when they see their friend muted, plus you'll have to wait a long time to text chat again.
- Respect hall monitors, don't just go around the commons yelling "HALL MONITORS ARE CHICKEN!!!" because actually, if they say they're a hall monitor, they're breaking the rules.

PvP -
- ALWAYS say Good Match or gg, anything to respect it was a good duel. Tc or not, win or loss, nevertheless it is rude to not appreciate the match.
- Don't boast about rank, we're all wizards on the inside
- Teammates come before yourself when it comes to healing, charms and wards. Unless requested not to heal/charm/ward them.
- It's okay the support your friends if watching but it's crossed the line by saying "boo *opponent's name*"

Questing -
- Respect if someone refuses to help you, no one can make them assist you.
- Say "I have to go" nicely, don't just log out randomly on purpose.
- If you make a friend via questing, don't keep begging them for help, trust me it is not pleasant to just be used as a magical servant.

I hope this helps and sorry if I am mistakken on some of these!

Caitlin WinterHeart
P.s I said on another post that I won't be message boarding, but if I see something break put like it did last time, I've quit posting.

Feb 24, 2009
This should be a guide in Wizard101central titled "How to get respected by anyone with common sense" :3
Well put. Now, as for those in the Wu realm... LOL

Dec 11, 2011
I am not reading all of this. Your guide is called the Terms of Use. And if you see one person (other then all of the goodie goodies on the message boards and facebook) using them, you deserve millions of dollars.

Apr 21, 2012
Great post! Totally agree with ya. Wiskel and Eggbert gives you . And if you don't mind, I'll simplify it even more for those that it might be too much to remember. "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all".

Mar 10, 2012