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Immune, whats that?

Jan 13, 2010
I was watching my friend doing Mirror Lake and i saw something called Immune. This storm guy had 101 resistance to storm and then the spiders in mirror lake did some attacks and instead of saying resistance to storm, it said immune to storm and it did 0

Dec 11, 2011
A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
aditha12 wrote:
I was watching my friend doing Mirror Lake and i saw something called Immune. This storm guy had 101 resistance to storm and then the spiders in mirror lake did some attacks and instead of saying resistance to storm, it said immune to storm and it did 0

when your resistance is at least 101% for a given school it says immune instead of resists storm
its merely a gimmic that can mess around with other stats not making it the best option expecially since all mobs usually have a attack off school
its mostly useful for death and fire wizards ( immolate for fire and " blood" spells for necromancers ) ( "blood" meaning a spell where they use there own lifeforce " blood " for something in return such as there own healing spell know as sacrifice ) ( deals 250? damage to self for a heal of 700 to either a ally or themself )

notes: the reason it would be a "blood spell for necromancers is because they are dark and making "blood sacrifices" for magic isnt rare for them

Jun 01, 2009
A new feature to wizard101 is immunity. Which means if you have 100+ resist on a school, you cannot be harmed by that school.