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Is the 74.99 Bundle worth it?

Nov 20, 2010
So it's pretty obvious that everyone got money for Christmas right? well I got exactly 75 bucks and I really want the Bundle, I got the Epic game card for Christmas but that had no crowns in it, and right now I still only have the 75 crowns I got from the very beginning... 13,750 crowns comes with the 74.99 Bundle. To me it sounds like a lot but will it buy a lot? I'm not sure if I want to get it or not, I need some help.

Feb 16, 2010
You might try figuring out what things you want to buy with crowns first. Total them all up and see if the bundle will give you enough crowns to get them. If it's enough to cover what you already know you want, then it has at least a good chance of being a good deal. If not, then you have to decide is the subscription for a year worth it. Especially since you will have to buy more crowns later to meet just what you know you want now. Also the epic card comes with either 5000 crowns or a one month subscription. You choose which you want.
Good luck and happy shopping!

Dec 16, 2009
Well, if ya want something REALLY BADLY, buy it. Why? 1 Year of Wizard101, and 13750 Crowns :O? If I got $75, I would buy it :D! Well, reasons to buy it ( Sorted out :D ) :

1. 1 Year of Wizard101!

2. 13750 Crowns!

3. Buy ULTIMATE items in Crown Shop!

4. Finish Wizard101, and save Wizard City!

5. See new features!

So, if your a total Fan of Wizard101, then buy it man!

John Thundercaster ~ Fire, Life, and Ice

Jun 09, 2009
That's like a $110 total deal. Also, you got to choose if you wanted crowns or a sub from the epic gift card.

Aug 12, 2009
its a years membership with 31750 crowns is it worth it its the best deal w101 has ever come out with

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
MissAngie2356 wrote:
So it's pretty obvious that everyone got money for Christmas right? well I got exactly 75 bucks and I really want the Bundle, I got the Epic game card for Christmas but that had no crowns in it, and right now I still only have the 75 crowns I got from the very beginning... 13,750 crowns comes with the 74.99 Bundle. To me it sounds like a lot but will it buy a lot? I'm not sure if I want to get it or not, I need some help.

Tough question, as it depends on what you wish to buy with the crowns.

Henchmen cost 20-60 crowns
Pet/plant energy costs 250 crowns
Plants & pets can cost a few hundred to thousands of crowns...same with clothing, wands and the like.

What I suggest is that you visit the crown shop and see what interests you, then decide.

Apr 02, 2010
I think it depends upon how much you play. I have heard of players getting to Grandmaster in two months, and I have seen Legendary (level 60) after about one week of Celestia coming out. They obviously had been playing on the test realm and knew what was coming. So if you play a lot per day, I think you can get the whole thing done in less than a year. If you like to take your time, or you would like to make more than one school, or all of them, that bundle could be the way to go.

It also might depend upon the school you pick. Life can be pretty hard getting started, hit, then heal, hit, then heal. Storm, just go for broke, you might die, just come back and try it again.