I'm an avid Loremaster farmer and Kudos to KI for adding Star Jewels to the Loremaster's drop list. So far I'm a fan of the new pet collar system for the most part but I'm reserving a more permanent opinion until I see how things play out. So far the drops have been disappointing. Out of maybe seven jewels that I've received, six have been for Pet Derby boosts. I know this is probably just the luck of the draw so hopefully the "wizard friendly" jewel drops will balance out. Or maybe it's planned this way. I know there's a large community of Pet Derby enthusists out there and for them this would be huge. They're probably the most neglected niche group in the game so I guess I have to give it up to KI for that too. I've never really been into Derby but if I were this entire post would be a glowing review. So all in all even if the odds aren't good for getting a wizard-boosting jewel at least there's a chance.