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Just a few questions

Mar 12, 2011
So, I've noticved that there are these spells called soothe/calm/subdue/tranquilize/pacify, that all do the same thing, and I've got a few soothe's in my own spell deck, but I have no clue what they do. They seem to have no effect when I cast them.

Also, they have the opposites that are Taunt/ Mega Taunt (I think) that "generates threat on target" or something like that. I have no clue what they do either.

And one last thing, is it weird that the spell I get from my wand is the one that criticals the most? The spell it gives me isn't even from my school. So, just wanted to know.

Thanks for reading,
Sierra Daisystaff Lvl. 53 Theurgist.

Feb 07, 2011
X3MeowX3 on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
So, I've noticved that there are these spells called soothe/calm/subdue/tranquilize/pacify, that all do the same thing, and I've got a few soothe's in my own spell deck, but I have no clue what they do. They seem to have no effect when I cast them.

Also, they have the opposites that are Taunt/ Mega Taunt (I think) that "generates threat on target" or something like that. I have no clue what they do either.

And one last thing, is it weird that the spell I get from my wand is the one that criticals the most? The spell it gives me isn't even from my school. So, just wanted to know.

Thanks for reading,
Sierra Daisystaff Lvl. 53 Theurgist.
hey, sierra~ in order:

1) soothe/calm/etc. only work in group situations. if there is another person in the circle with you, and you cast that spell, it reduces enemy aggro (focus) on you and they will turn their attention to your teammate(s). balance and ice do not have reduce-threat spells.

2) taunt and mega-taunt are ice spells that draw attention to the ice wizard, used to direct enemies' aggro away from their more-fragile teammates. because ice is a tank and has high health, resist, and crit block, they can take more damage than the other schools can.

3) critical rating is completely random. so yes, it's weird that your wand spell criticals most, but it doesn't mean anything.

hope that helps, sort of.

promethean sorceress, archmage necromancer, the rest.

Nov 14, 2012
X3MeowX3 on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
So, I've noticved that there are these spells called soothe/calm/subdue/tranquilize/pacify, that all do the same thing, and I've got a few soothe's in my own spell deck, but I have no clue what they do. They seem to have no effect when I cast them.

Also, they have the opposites that are Taunt/ Mega Taunt (I think) that "generates threat on target" or something like that. I have no clue what they do either.

And one last thing, is it weird that the spell I get from my wand is the one that criticals the most? The spell it gives me isn't even from my school. So, just wanted to know.

Thanks for reading,
Sierra Daisystaff Lvl. 53 Theurgist.
Soothe, calm, subdue, tranquilize, and pacify, i believe those are meant to reduce "aggro" or "threat" on the target which means that they won't attack you. If you use them in battle when you are alone, obviously it won't do anything since you're their only target. The ice spells Taunt, and Mega Taunt are meant to have a higher "aggro" or "threat" on the target, which in the end makes them attack you...

For every 5 points you get a 1% crit chance. So depending on the amount of critical that you have, that is the rate of which it will cast.