I was wondering if it's possible to send mounts from one character to another character on the same account. I have a bunch on one and I don't need more than one mount for a single character, unless I do? But anyway, I'd like a way to send them over.
You can deposit mounts in the Shared Bank, using the Bank in your Dorm Room or Personal Castle. Once their just go on wizard that you want to use the mount on and access the Shared Bank once again but this time withdraw the mount. Other items like Equipment, Housing Items and Reagents can be shared using the same method but items which are No Trade can't be shared via Shared Bank
I was wondering if it's possible to send mounts from one character to another character on the same account. I have a bunch on one and I don't need more than one mount for a single character, unless I do? But anyway, I'd like a way to send them over.
Some you can, some you can't. The ones you can't will say no trade when you click on it, All the ones from gift drops lying around during the birthday celebration is no trade You can trade the permanent mounts plus a few others from the crown shop and some from Zeke.
I was wondering if it's possible to send mounts from one character to another character on the same account. I have a bunch on one and I don't need more than one mount for a single character, unless I do? But anyway, I'd like a way to send them over.
Most mounts are tradable, so just put them in your shared bank and have your other characters access them from there.
Sharing mounts and gear is exactly what the shared bank is for!
Go into your dorm room or a house if you have one. Go to the small chest on the floor next to the door. Click "X." Go to your mounts tab in your backpack and select the permanent mount you want to move. Click the "Shared Bank" option. When you log in another wizard, they will find the mount waiting for them in their bank, under the 'Shared Bank' tab.
You can also move pets (but it will cost you energy), seeds, furniture and even actual houses. You can not move anything that says "No Trade." That includes any 'rented mounts' that are 1-day, 7-day and 15-day awards from daily assignments and crowns packs. Those you either use or trash, they can't be traded.
To answer your other question, mounts are usually a matter of style and speed. Any permanent mounts you like but don't want to ride, can also be set loose in your house the same way a pet can.
Sure you can. Make sure the mount is in your backpack and go to your bank. Click on the mount of choice and click on the shared bank tab. The mount should go into the shared bank. Just make sure the shared bank is not full at time of transfer. Your other character should be able to log on and get it out of their shared bank in their house or dorm room. If you try to do it with a pet, it will take your energy away for awhile, but mounts are fine.
Go to your bank in your dorm and move it to shared bank. Then go to the destination account and go to their dorm and bank and find the mount and click "Move to backpack" or "Move to bank"
Can't share one day mounts. I think it has to be 7 days and up.
I seem to remember some mounts being no trade, too. Just check what the description is when you hover your mouse on it in your backpack. If it says no trade, you can't put it into the shared bank.