I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you to the lovely and hardworking moderators. Thank you to the players who respond to other players in need. Thank you to the players in need, you post ideas, problems, solutions.
A thank you to the Wizard101 Community. A huge thank you.
I've made many friends on this game, my online family pretty much. I wouldn't have met them if I didn't play the game two years ago for what it was. I'd just like to say a huge thank you to the Wizard101 Community!! This game is awesome! I'd love to see this game grow even more! Keep up the good work EVERYONE!!
Sorry for the random thank you. I just really felt the need to convey this message across. I really hope the admins and moderators see this. It's not only a thank you to the amazing creators, admins and moderators. Its a thank you to the W101 Community. Everyone's apart of it. So even the amazing players who make the game filled with life.
Once again, really getting ahead of my self now lol. Thank you!!
Its good that more and more people are thanking KI for their hard work. I'm closing in on my last post for awhile so I will only be able to read posts but its things like this that cheer me up and I'm glad I'm still able to read them.
This Thank You, Kingsisle had it coming I mean they have made a game that appeals to every age with so many categories and things to do it can keep you busy and never let you have a full wallet!
Good job on making sure Kingsisle gets what they deserve!
I want to thank KI for improving summoning water elemental minion spell once more. It doesn't only heal and shield your wizard, it now attacks. Thank you.
I agree, I don't like negative on the message board: name calling, finger pointing and making other's feel bad by cutting down their idea. I believe positive is friendlier and peaceful. :)
Lovely post! Thank you for this! And thank you Kingsisle!
Hope to see you all in the Spiral! Nathan GreenEyes 120 PvP Commander Main Nathan GreenEyes 110 Couch Potato Hoarder Ryan HexPyre 104 Always Dying Nathan GreenEyes 75+ Hot in more ways than one (lol)