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Key Drop Rates

Feb 23, 2015
I am a little annoyed that the bosses who should drop keys seem to do so very rarely. I've read somewhere that it's supposed to be a 30-35 percent chance to acquire a key from bosses who drop it, but I've not had nearly that amount of luck.

Couldn't the drop system be adjusted to better reflect a player's odds of receiving specific drops? Because, not only is it apparently difficult (at least for me) to acquire a key, I'm never guaranteed anything worth the time and effort from a treasure chest.

If this is supposed to be a family-friendly game then why is it that the current system seems to encourage to grinding for hours on end with no promise of a worthwhile reward?

I've been wanting to get a red panda ever since I decided to raise and train a pet, but I cannot do that unless I find one in a chest. What are the odds of that ever happening for me?

Aug 18, 2011
I've had pretty good luck with gold keys, but not much with the others. Motes are also hard to come by.