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knight's lore pack

Apr 11, 2011
I got tired farming for deer knight tc to craft the spell so i tried the pack, i spent over 2000 crowns and i got handsome fomori and i heard that you can only get one spell from the pack, i'm a death wizard by the way and i don't use ice spell at besides the shield, so i want to ask why Kingsile ,or whoever is responsible for the packs, made it possible for a death wizards or any other wizards to get any other schools spell from that pack? is it not hard enough to get one spell, why do we have to worry about the chance of getting a useless spell for us. please respond.
-Colin Ghostsword - Promethean Necromancer

Feb 19, 2010
You can only get one of each spell from the packs meaning you cannot get another handsome from the packs but you can get one of each spell in the packs. Also you can use any school spell you just cant use power pips for them unless you have a mastery amulet.

Oct 22, 2011
I don't knock getting those off-school spells in the packs, or accidentally getting them during questing. Some of my wizards are gardening to try and get enough Amber to craft a couple of spells (the Deer Knight for my Death is top of the list).

Yesterday morning I opened three of the packs - I was shocked to get the Deer Knight spell, but not on my Death wizard (darn). My Ice ended up with the spell, although I'm not saying it's bad, because my Ice's secondary school is Death (woot!).

So, a friend of mine told me I needed to open another pack, as he had a feeling I would get another spell. So, I switched to my Death and opened a pack. I got the Handsome Fomori spell (darn).

I wished I had the intuition to know which wizard to open packs on. I'll have to work on that

Jan 12, 2012
I received both deer knight and handsome formori from the knight's lore pack, so those who are telling you that you can only get one spell are incorrect. It's important to understand before you click a card pack that every item listed in the card pack, including spells, is a possible reward for anyone who buys the pack. It just depends on your luck with random chance, and no item in a card pack is school exclusive. Your death wizard may be rewarded with an ice school spell the same way a balance wizard may be rewarded with a two person fire mount. A fire wizard may recieve a balance wand, or a storm wizard may get a death pet. The problem is, most every other item from the packs can be traded between characters. I always thought it would be a great improvement if the spells came in a pop up box that allowed you to choose the wizard they were assigned to, but the only way to really do that at present is by crafting. Like you, I made an effort on both ice and death to get the spells. I had a few crowns left over, so I bought the last few packs on my life wizard. Long story short, my life wizard can now happily cast both handsome formori and deer knight, lol. Sorry about the bad luck on getting the unwanted fomori, but it happens. Don't be discouraged by it. It is very possible to craft the spells. If all you are missing are deer knight tc's, a little time spent shopping in the bazaar is all that stands in your way.

Oct 24, 2010
TheGoldenName on Feb 16, 2013 wrote:
I got tired farming for deer knight tc to craft the spell so i tried the pack, i spent over 2000 crowns and i got handsome fomori and i heard that you can only get one spell from the pack, i'm a death wizard by the way and i don't use ice spell at besides the shield, so i want to ask why Kingsile ,or whoever is responsible for the packs, made it possible for a death wizards or any other wizards to get any other schools spell from that pack? is it not hard enough to get one spell, why do we have to worry about the chance of getting a useless spell for us. please respond.
-Colin Ghostsword - Promethean Necromancer
It's called "random." I have the Deer Knight spell on my Life wizard, but not my Death. We are warned that there is a "chance" of receiving the spells, mounts, etc., there is no guarantee. Use the spell given you; it will come in handy at some point.

Nov 22, 2012
i hear ya, i am fire and i did keepers lore pack for brimstone revenant, and i got keeper of the flame and i hate myth so yeah i am going to craft brimstone anyways

Sep 01, 2012
TheGoldenName on Feb 16, 2013 wrote:
I got tired farming for deer knight tc to craft the spell so i tried the pack, i spent over 2000 crowns and i got handsome fomori and i heard that you can only get one spell from the pack, i'm a death wizard by the way and i don't use ice spell at besides the shield, so i want to ask why Kingsile ,or whoever is responsible for the packs, made it possible for a death wizards or any other wizards to get any other schools spell from that pack? is it not hard enough to get one spell, why do we have to worry about the chance of getting a useless spell for us. please respond.
-Colin Ghostsword - Promethean Necromancer
Who said you can only get one? As far as I know you can get all