I have been away from the game for a long time and need some updated information please.
How many houses are we able to have these days? I currently have two as the limit used to be three, and I was torn on which one I wanted as my final one. Now I am back playing again and I see stuff about castles and building blocks and even found some cool crafted homes. So I'd like to know if the house limit has increased? if not can you have three houses and a castle or the castle counts as a house? I will appreciate it if someone would share their knowledge so I can decide what to do. Hopefully the limit has increased because there are too many good decorations out there and I have full attic and bank and still need to finish Zafaria and whatever worlds are after that. So in the scope of time, I hope the powers that be have raised the limit by at least one house :)
You can purchase an Additional Castle Elixir in the Crown Shop to increase the number of houses you can own. If you purchase a bundle that includes a house it will come with an elixir included.
ok thank you! I will have to check into that if I ever need to. I can still buy one more house so I'm not in bad shape yet. I appreciate you getting back to me! :)