You love all of your friends and family you get to team with in Wizard 101...
...but sometimes you wish there was a way you could garden, train your pets, or do some other activity without interruption. While you can't actually become invisible, you can make yourself hidden to anyone on your Friend's List. The five steps below show you how to do this:
Step 1: Click on your wizard book with the spiral (located in the bottom right of your screen). Step 2: Click on the Options Button (Escape Key) (its located just above the big red X, found at the bottom right side of your screen). Step 3: Click on the Advanced Gameplay Options Button (its the joystick on the right). Step 4: Select "YES" to the right of Hidden to Friends Feature. Step 5: Garden, train pets, or whatever else you want to do undisturbed by anyone in your Friends List.