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Least Favorite type of creatures

Aug 07, 2010
So Guys what is your least favorite type of creature. Mine is myth and Ice. Myth is sooo annoying because later in the game all myth creatures have Earthquake. Ice is also annoying because of tower shield. Tower shield just makes me want to rage. I used to hate every type because every creature had weakness. But Thank you KI for removing that later in the game. So whats Your Least favorite type creature

May 22, 2009
Like you I also dislike Myth, especially in higher levels. Ice doesn't bother me as much as it used to. The one that ranks right up there with Myth for me is Death and for just one reason---DEATH NINJA PIGS. That spell is nothing more than an elaborate weakness.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 80 Life

Aug 06, 2012
I personally dislike fighting Death the most. In the early game (mostly pre-Celestia), Myth enemies presented a smaller challenge, so I welcome their use of Earthquake. Death enemies completely aggrevate my strategy- rush for a one-hit-KO with an AOE. They often use Death Ninja Pig (which gives the target a -25% damage charm), and there's a good chance they'll heal with Wraith/Scarecrow if you can't OHKO. That being said, the Ice enemies in Celestia drove me insane, because of their abuse of Tower Shield and Storm mutations.

Jul 04, 2010
i hate myth the most in the high level worlds for the pure use of earthquake

Feb 07, 2011
Least-favourite creatures? It's a tie between three of them:

1) Longdreamer Shamans (Myth) in Zafaria. Sure, they spam Earthquake like it's their job, but I've killed so many of them that I'm pretty sure I'd still hate them even if they didn't.

2) Decaying Blackguard (Ice) in Dragonspyre. As if the weakness-spamming wasn't bad enough, these guys have thrown Tower Shield into the mix, too~ I swear, those are the only two spells they know!

3) Anything that spams Death Ninja Pigs... WTH? Isn't that a Myth spell? And again, with the weakness!

Nov 16, 2010
Feb 29, 2012
Death Ninja pigs and tower, though I can still kill if I'm in the mood to buff up.

Feb 24, 2012
Yeah anything that casts weakness tower shield and im getting quite sick of regular shields as well. They all put a big damper on your build up to OHK.