ya i titled this with an obscure internet refrence, what you going to do about it? Any way, people say that balance is "unfair", all i have to say to those people is;
#1: they dont have a balance person, because if they did they would know that balance can not solo for it's life. i have a balance person and let me say, balance has terrible attack! our rank 6 can do less than centaur, our rank 7 is pretty weak, and most of our attacks are underpowered! the ONLY really useful spell we have id judgement, also, i never EVER win pvp, well the only time i ever won was when i was fighting a balace guy, so yes, IT IS POSSIBLE!
Actually i dunno what your talking about with consideration that Balance cant solo. I have a now 48 Balance wizard, used maybe 3 or 4 training points total, and have soloed all the way or at the vast portion of it. I really enjoy it but its not a damage powerhouse instead its a lot more tactical, setting up attacks and defenses then striking when the moment is right. Dungeons? No prob. Bosses with 7k health? doable. Thus far its been pretty easy as long as you have patients and don't expect instant results. In groups I go from an attack mode to a support mode and it works well that way too. I aggressively discard to get the cards i need for my next turn so i always seem to have what i need. If you're not enjoying Balance rethink your school but for me it's my favorite so far.
Ok, I highly disagree. I have a life and a death wizard. And I think death is treated unfairly, everyone always says that they are evil when they aren't. Balance is a school that King's isle entertainment created. and balance is very good for 1v1 but i've done a 4 life vs. 4 balance battle and life won with their defenses and healing. 4 life wizards are unbeatable.
ya i titled this with an obscure internet refrence, what you going to do about it? Any way, people say that balance is "unfair", all i have to say to those people is;
#1: they dont have a balance person, because if they did they would know that balance can not solo for it's life. i have a balance person and let me say, balance has terrible attack! our rank 6 can do less than centaur, our rank 7 is pretty weak, and most of our attacks are underpowered! the ONLY really useful spell we have id judgement, also, i never EVER win pvp, well the only time i ever won was when i was fighting a balace guy, so yes, IT IS POSSIBLE!
btw, the balance guy did use judgement
first off with hydra, if you prep right, it is twice as strong as centaur, second CENTAUR IS STRONGER THEN COLOSSUS
Hi, Ok i don't know what your problem is because balance may be the best school there is ( not that i hate other schools or anything ) i have a grandmaster life and she is powerful but i do wish she had Spells that could be used with 1 pip, Anyway it has those 2 blades i think it's plus 20% and a + 25% i think they are awesome because if i'm just short of killing it i throw one of those and then throw anything to kill it. So why is it so bad when you get blades and hexs and stuff like that? AGAIN I don't hate other schools!!! :) :)
To the original poster, ignore those people above. I have 2 grand master balance characters. Those that say "balance is great or overpowered," need to reassess their observations. It is strictly a GREAT support school, almost like the Life school. You can solo, but you are at the minigames a lot, and the battles last a long time.I usually end up needing 2 SuperNova's to clear the minion field then Judgement to finish off the boss. You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Balance has been messed with long enough. Also, we have no cleanse (as does Storm) from our own spell, Weak.
Some claim, but you have HYDRA: Yes we have HYDRA which toughs up rather nicely with a 6 pip cast cost, 1 pip for the Elemental blades, 1 pip for Elemental traps, 1 pip for Bladestorm, or a 9 pip cast cost. And that is IF the cards come up. In the mean time, since EVERY monster out there has ruined your setup with a WEAK and probably a shield from at least one of the schools from the hydra head (i.e., you are down to a 2 head hit that has been weakened AND you still have at least one other monster to deal with because hydra only hits one target).
Some claim, but you have JUDGEMENT: Yes we have JUDGEMENT which toughs up poorly with an X pip cast cost, plus 1 pip for Bladestorm. Again, you take out one of the monsters (and probably have 4 weak spinning around your head by the time you get the pips to kill one of the guys in DS).
No one mentions our multi-hit spell PowerNova which will not tough (7 pip base cast cost) along with Bladestorm and a regular balance blade, with, of course, the weak that all monsters are now casting (so you are back to just the 20% increase from Bladestorm). So you get your suit and 20% on a 470 spell. Big woopie after Marleybone it doesn't do squat to clear the field of minions beating on you!
I so agree that balance cant solo. I'm a grandmaster, and I only have like, 250 points. Balance does not have many good spells except for Judgement which does 1,400+ damage if used correctly.
yeah, sry about. i ment to say that blance has a HARDER time soloing at the game, i mean what ARE wegoing to do with tri-blades befor lvl 42? i was just grumpy cause my balance guy died for the first time ever today at lvl 31. yeah looking back on that first time ever at 31, ok not bad but yeah, still stuck on big ben. yep, still stuck.
ya i titled this with an obscure internet refrence, what you going to do about it? Any way, people say that balance is "unfair", all i have to say to those people is;
#1: they dont have a balance person, because if they did they would know that balance can not solo for it's life. i have a balance person and let me say, balance has terrible attack! our rank 6 can do less than centaur, our rank 7 is pretty weak, and most of our attacks are underpowered! the ONLY really useful spell we have id judgement, also, i never EVER win pvp, well the only time i ever won was when i was fighting a balace guy, so yes, IT IS POSSIBLE!
btw, the balance guy did use judgement
first off with hydra, if you prep right, it is twice as strong as centaur, second CENTAUR IS STRONGER THEN COLOSSUS
yes, but with prep centaur is stronger than hydra k?
I completely disagree. Balance is quite a powerful school! I have soloed my way through a lot of the game, as a Balance wizard, and I find it easy (currently in Marleybone) With a Balanceblade, and an elemental blade, you can do Spectral Blast and expect it to kill your enemy (unless it's a boss) The cards that can shield from Balance don't shield as much as a normal shield would. (Tower shield is -50%, any other school shield is -80%) Also, their attack power is not the weakest! The Scorpion does 160-200 damage, while Snow Serpent and Leprechaun do 155-195 damage. Also, Centaur does 515-595 damage, while Hydra, if you add it all up, does 570, about the middle of Centaur. To stop Centaur, you only need one shield, a Life shield, but to stop Hydra, you need three shields, which are Fire, Ice, & Storm. Balance has quite powerful boosts, which can make Hydra do enormous damage (Balanceblade, Hex, Elemental Blade, Elemental Trap, Bladestorm) which adds up to +135% for the first head, and +60 for the other two heads, making it enough to kill practically anything. I agree that Judgment is a good spell, but I don't use it as often as Spectral Blast. Of course, this is all just my opinion, but that's what I think. ~Christopher Titanbringer, Level 32 Balance Wizard
Hmm I do think that you are right in the way that balance attacks are underpowered but STOP AND THINK!! We get really good spells from Niles and when you pair up element blade and element trap you can use an epic hydra. Hydra hits three times so any tower sheild or something would be useless. But power nova. :x :x WEAK GTG
Storm is also hard to solo especialy when I have seen people battling chat to me saying "No Storm allowed!!!" So in ways storm is treated poorly too. Ido agree with balance because I am working with a balance wizard right now and they are underpowered spells.
Balance is good it always beats me and super nova i think its called that or some people call it cheese ball well anyways is super powerful and so is judgement i have a balance and shes powerful.
Okay, I do admit that I once was very, errr, 'displeased' about balance. xD
~ People say "well because you say balance is unfair, you obviously don't have one!" Well, I do have one! I think it is very easy to get through with my vampire and blades and it gets very repetetive after a while. ~
It is quite 'unfair' when a person gets constantly paired up with a balance over and over again, espicially one who uses judgment.
I got really mad when I got to the rank of a knight, but was dropped down because of some guy using judgment. It's really annoying after about, I don't know, maybe having your rank dropped when you were trying to get the arena clothes and you had to play 5 matches to get up one rank and then your rank was sent down because of one balance wizard.
Eventually I moved on by myself. I found some good friends and started doing 3v3 and 4v4 which were so much more fun, even with chain stunning.
About people with storm, storm is a very hard class to solo only because of health. While balance, I got through krok in about a couple days. (I think xD)
Jennifer Angleweaver level 49 ice Rachel Rainhaven level 46 storm
I think that Balance School is probally the best school that you can get in (even though I am a lvl 45 ice wizard). Their Balance blade is absolutly GENIOUS because you can use it for every school and I absolutly love that. Balance is also great for PvP because their are no shields for it (except for tower shield) If you think about it every other school has a shiled that can be a BIG dissadvantage in PvP matches. Also I like the wing fairy lady that looks like seraph, because you can wait and wait for A LOT of pips and hit your opponent very aggresively and their's nothing that they can do about it!!!!!! I am always gritting my teeth when I go up against Balance wizards in PvP. OH BEFORE I FORGET! Also another advantage is that they have those shields for, storm, fire, ice,death,life,and myth!!!!! and you can only get it if you are a balance wizard. YOU CANT GET IT WITH TRAINING POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Balance is BY FAR my favorite pick for the schools.
I am not sure what game you are playing based on your comment, but I see you have a ways to go - only an initiate.
I am GM Balance and I soloed through most of my levels. Yes there are times when you need help but sometimes there is none. With balance I have taken down many of the big bosses by myself - including those in Dragonspyre.
Balance was my first wizard, and even though it took me a while to get the hang of it, when I am not using my Balance wizard, there are many times I wish she was with me.
Balance rocks. Its power is subtle, its not explosive like storm but is a complement to every other school.
ya i titled this with an obscure internet refrence, what you going to do about it? Any way, people say that balance is "unfair", all i have to say to those people is;
#1: they dont have a balance person, because if they did they would know that balance can not solo for it's life. i have a balance person and let me say, balance has terrible attack! our rank 6 can do less than centaur, our rank 7 is pretty weak, and most of our attacks are underpowered! the ONLY really useful spell we have id judgement, also, i never EVER win pvp, well the only time i ever won was when i was fighting a balace guy, so yes, IT IS POSSIBLE!
btw, the balance guy did use judgement
first off with hydra, if you prep right, it is twice as strong as centaur, second CENTAUR IS STRONGER THEN COLOSSUS
yes, but with prep centaur is stronger than hydra k?
a balance person can prep for hydra (without blades from outside of school or items) more then centaur Balance: balance blade, blade storm, elemental blade, elemental trap, and hex. Life: Life blade, life trap. hmm... who still wins?
ya i titled this with an obscure internet refrence, what you going to do about it? Any way, people say that balance is "unfair", all i have to say to those people is;
#1: they dont have a balance person, because if they did they would know that balance can not solo for it's life. i have a balance person and let me say, balance has terrible attack! our rank 6 can do less than centaur, our rank 7 is pretty weak, and most of our attacks are underpowered! the ONLY really useful spell we have id judgement, also, i never EVER win pvp, well the only time i ever won was when i was fighting a balace guy, so yes, IT IS POSSIBLE!
btw, the balance guy did use judgement
I agree i have a lvl 10 balance and he is like training and stuff and to be honest...Its like impossable for him to win against most foes.
i must agree, please do not bash balance. i have a grand life wizard, and i just recently got to grand master status with balance on 03-30-10. i agree with esmee jadewhisper as it does not have the power of storm or has all the great healing spells as life does, but considering you get both the elemental and spirit shields before leaving wizard city, and both sets of elemental traps and blades as soon as you advance to levels 18, 22, and 25 from niles at the krokosphinx, (and it doesn't cost you any additional training points), its absolutely fantastic. no other school has that. as for the judgement, she totally rocks. if i'm lucky, i can get a judgement spell of over 1700-1800 with the blades and hex trap(but i have clothes that will boost up any balance spell attack). whenever i do balance, i try to even it out with life and either fire or storm, if not all 3. granted, i can't learn all the spells from those school, but i'm quite happy.
I think that Balance School is probally the best school that you can get in (even though I am a lvl 45 ice wizard). Their Balance blade is absolutly GENIOUS because you can use it for every school and I absolutly love that. Balance is also great for PvP because their are no shields for it (except for tower shield) If you think about it every other school has a shiled that can be a BIG dissadvantage in PvP matches. Also I like the wing fairy lady that looks like seraph, because you can wait and wait for A LOT of pips and hit your opponent very aggresively and their's nothing that they can do about it!!!!!! I am always gritting my teeth when I go up against Balance wizards in PvP. OH BEFORE I FORGET! Also another advantage is that they have those shields for, storm, fire, ice,death,life,and myth!!!!! and you can only get it if you are a balance wizard. YOU CANT GET IT WITH TRAINING POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Balance is BY FAR my favorite pick for the schools.
thing is balance blades strenth IS its weakness. how many times have you had a blade for your school on you and, O NOES, the enemy casted a tower shield or the dreaded WEAKNESS! well a way to get aroung that is to us a different class wand spell so you wont defuse blades or traps. With balance you simply cant do that because ANY attack spell will set it off also it does much less then blades of other schools, but i supposed that is because it does work with any spell, alowing stacking for power. my problem is that because this is balances only blade then we are left out of balance blade's stacking power which is odd since we are the only people that can learn it. HOWEVER! you are right about the shields, those rock :)
o i forgot about blade storm! but i guess that also has the same weakness as balance blade
I am not sure what game you are playing based on your comment, but I see you have a ways to go - only an initiate.
I am GM Balance and I soloed through most of my levels. Yes there are times when you need help but sometimes there is none. With balance I have taken down many of the big bosses by myself - including those in Dragonspyre.
Balance was my first wizard, and even though it took me a while to get the hang of it, when I am not using my Balance wizard, there are many times I wish she was with me.
Balance rocks. Its power is subtle, its not explosive like storm but is a complement to every other school.
Give it time, you will learn to love Balance.
Esmee Jadewhisper - Level 50
ROFL um ya, the initiate thing is determined by the number of posts you made, um it says you are a novice which isn't true so..... also my balance is level 33, i dont get the donate power thing at all because that is USELESS for solo play but i guess your right. just that i started playing with a storm character so the amount of damage ANYTHING puts out doesn't suprise me :? alo i really am one of those people who freak out easily when damaged. you know the kind of people who, and i am quoting myself here, "O NOES! I LOST 400 HEALTH! WHERE THE HECK IS MY PIXIE?" which is also odd since i have a lvl 48 life and i love the life school, i just dont get why i have problems with balance.
I've read ALL of these posts and i think we lost sight of what i was going for with this post. this was directed at people who think that just because balance has judgement that they are the most over powered school EVER! I mean, come on, who hasn't seen a post that was a person crying saying down with judgement, and balance is over powered as it is . i am not saying balance is UNDERPOWERED, i am saying that it is not the best and people should stop complaining becaue they have no right to say balance is too great and that judgement should be taken away. my main message is that with out judgement, who would still think balance is OVERPOWERED?
P.S. i guess they DO have the right to say balance is over powered cause of the free speech thing but still :|
look guys, balance is just another school with its own strengths and its own weaknesses.
admittedly balance is AWESOME (i should know. my first character was balance) with its elemental attacks and most powerful attack x rank and its boosts and shields.
we have to put 5 training points to ice for a shield against our own school. 6 levels later than all the others. there is no way for us to use flares without ruining our combos. we need to go farther into the game to continue our education than all others combined. finally, balance monsters are weak to 3 schools - THREE SCHOOLS - while nothing is weak to balance!!!