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Leaving Wizard 101

Feb 11, 2012
I wanted to post this where I hope it can be seen by Kings Isle..... Once my 1 year of service is up I am not renewing and I am not playing this game any more due to 3 really annoying and persistent issues.

1) Fizzles = BAD idea! Whom ever decided to add "Fizzle" rates to this game simply ruined it for me. It adds FAR too much time and aggravation into trying to play. I have had 10 fizzles in a row happen FAR too many times and instead of a round taking only 5 min it lasts up to 45 to an hour AS A RESULT!!!!! No, the idea of a fizzle is just too much a pain for me.

2) LAG = The amount of time that is used up due to HEAVY lag and getting booted out of the game as a result is NOT enjoyable. This is an extremely simple game and it should not have the LAG issues that is still happening. It is highly annoying when you are zipping along the sidewalks in the SAFE zone only to get pulled into a fight over 1000 clicks away from your last point because the game has LAGGED and as a result you are placed in a fight that you should not be in but are because the "game" messed up due to lag. The lag has killed any enjoyment that this game had for me.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS!!!!! I can not tell you how simply INSANE it is to start a quest sending you to one location to get/do something, you go then come back and then are sent to the EXACT SAME LOCATION THAT YOU WERE JUST AT, so you have to go BACK when you should only have to do it ONE time!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! I can understand doing that one time or maybe 2 times in the WHOLE GAME, but no, you folks have it in here like a dirty penny (it's always showing up). Try thinking of it like this, you need to go drive to the store because your partner has asked you to go get some milk. You go then you come back and they say "oh I forgot the cheese, will you go get it" and you have to go back to the same place to get it. Then you get home and poof "Oh I forgot the salad dressing, can you go". You can bet your bippy that your answer is "HECK NO, GET IT YOURSELF! ". I do NOT know who thought that this constant going back to the same location you left which is many realms away is fun....... but it is NOT my idea of fun at ALL!

I am posting this in hopes that others that have these same issues can add their voice to it. If you are not having these kinds of issues then do not bother posting to this. If all the people that have these same issues and are just as tired of it reply to this post then KI can get a good idea as to how bad the issue is. If no one adds to this then it will not be a big deal. I will have moved on and you all can play in peace. No big whoop.

Jul 27, 2009
{ to be read with a calm even tone of voice and experience in cyberspace]
well i see you are use to games where everything goes according to Your plans.

this is the first game i have played that things happen as though it were a real life thing such as the fizzle . not everything happens as you wish they would and sometimes things do go Flop!

as far as lag this is not the IK servers fault it happens when :

1 when Your IP servers has a problem handling large graphic packs.
2 your computer cant handle large graphic packs [can you upgrade your ram?]
3 the internet is under high traffic load [ it is a data pack highway you know.]
4 heavy server activity [solution is to move to a lower realm.]
5 your graphics cards is overloaded [get card with more video ram]

i could give many more why the lag but don't blame it on KI
i experience no lag on my system unless we have a lightening storm or a huge solar storm. maybe it time to look at the hardware you are using.

and redundant locations quest is nothing more then having you run back and forth to your bedroom to get something when you keep forgetting to get Everything you need at once.
There are very few things you do in wizard you haven't done in real life when you sit down and analyze it.

if you wish to g then do so but ...
do so quietly cuz wizard is a great game and i find even the redundant location running funny... displays such as this one you gave in the forum show bad form in sportsman ship.

KI if you wish to edit this post please feel free to do so but this is my take on how grymsbie is displaying his/hers sportsmanship and self image

Mar 19, 2011
1-later on you would get clothing that make you fizzle less
waterworks,wintertusk crafted gear etc

2-It might be your internet connection i change from a bad one to a
great one now i don't lag and can surf web faster

3-that is questing leave a mark makes it simpler or rent a mount from Zeke
in the commons or wherever he is mostly cost 2000 gold or 1500.

Oct 24, 2010
1) Fizzles. There isn't a game out there where every single thing you do is perfect. Humans aren't perfect,and neither are wizards.
Gear/pets with ACCURACY abilities can pretty much stop fizzles

2) LAG. This is not an issue all of us have. My computer is 4 years old and I experience very little lag. You need to look at your own setup/internet service provider for that issue.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS. It's part of learning the game. These can very easily be combined into one/two trips if you know the game and plan ahead.

I'm sorry you'll be leaving, but it doesn't sound like this is the game...or even type of game... for you.

Jul 08, 2011
grymsbie wrote:
I wanted to post this where I hope it can be seen by Kings Isle..... Once my 1 year of service is up I am not renewing and I am not playing this game any more due to 3 really annoying and persistent issues.

1) Fizzles = BAD idea! Whom ever decided to add "Fizzle" rates to this game simply ruined it for me. It adds FAR too much time and aggravation into trying to play. I have had 10 fizzles in a row happen FAR too many times and instead of a round taking only 5 min it lasts up to 45 to an hour AS A RESULT!!!!! No, the idea of a fizzle is just too much a pain for me.

2) LAG = The amount of time that is used up due to HEAVY lag and getting booted out of the game as a result is NOT enjoyable. This is an extremely simple game and it should not have the LAG issues that is still happening. It is highly annoying when you are zipping along the sidewalks in the SAFE zone only to get pulled into a fight over 1000 clicks away from your last point because the game has LAGGED and as a result you are placed in a fight that you should not be in but are because the "game" messed up due to lag. The lag has killed any enjoyment that this game had for me.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS!!!!! I can not tell you how simply INSANE it is to start a quest sending you to one location to get/do something, you go then come back and then are sent to the EXACT SAME LOCATION THAT YOU WERE JUST AT, so you have to go BACK when you should only have to do it ONE time!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! I can understand doing that one time or maybe 2 times in the WHOLE GAME, but no, you folks have it in here like a dirty penny (it's always showing up). Try thinking of it like this, you need to go drive to the store because your partner has asked you to go get some milk. You go then you come back and they say "oh I forgot the cheese, will you go get it" and you have to go back to the same place to get it. Then you get home and poof "Oh I forgot the salad dressing, can you go". You can bet your bippy that your answer is "HECK NO, GET IT YOURSELF! ". I do NOT know who thought that this constant going back to the same location you left which is many realms away is fun....... but it is NOT my idea of fun at ALL!

I am posting this in hopes that others that have these same issues can add their voice to it. If you are not having these kinds of issues then do not bother posting to this. If all the people that have these same issues and are just as tired of it reply to this post then KI can get a good idea as to how bad the issue is. If no one adds to this then it will not be a big deal. I will have moved on and you all can play in peace. No big whoop.

First off, next to your post it says you joined February 11 2012, not even 6 months.

Second. You will get gear that improves the rate of not fizzling

Third. Thats not kingsisle's fault.

Fourth. Why is that a problem?

Feb 15, 2010
1) Do you really expect your spells to work every time? No. Very little things in life have a 100% probability of working the right way. Fizzles add to the depth of the game, and sometimes even help you stratagize (or something like that ). Fizzling even SAVED me once. I was soloing a boss that was a tad out of my league. I was low on health, but I kept on attacking. I decided one turn to heal so I wouldn't die, but I accidently clicked an attacking spell. I am a theurgist, so since my spells rarely fizzle, I thought I was screwed. But then, the word FIZZLE appears above my character's head, and I was relived. I eventually healed myself and killed the boss singlehandedly.

2) You honestly need to blame your COMPUTER for the lag, not the game.

3) Would you REALLY rather one quest in every area? Would you REALLY rather not to be able to explore the full area, discovering secrets and such? Would you REALLY rather having the game literally last just one hour of gameplay? No, you wouldn't. Once again, it adds to the depth of the game.

Obviously, this game isn't right for you. I'm sure there's another MMOG that's right for you somewhere, and I hope you find it suitable.

Courtney Starstone
Level 52
Grandmaster Theurgist

Jun 11, 2010
Fizzles were meant to add a bit of chance to the battle system. Your spell might not always work, so now what? It means you must add more strategy when searching for gear and finding ways to increase your rate or accept it. By the way, gear and pets can help fizzles, plus in Celestia you can get spells to increase accuracy rates. They are annoying, but they teach a good lesson.

Lag is not something KI is responsible for. Example: my computer will have slight lag when entering new areas even when I have nothing else open on my computer, however my mom's computer will run Wizard 101 with no lag at all even with her email and all the stuff she leaves open

Repetitive locations:
There is some running around in this game, I admit. Mounts make it faster, and patience. Patience is required in this game or else you will not succeed. This also applies in life, the universe and everything (like 42!). Also, if you mean side quests making you run back to a locations when you were just there, then you just need better planning.

Sep 08, 2008
Hey grymsbie :)

You should look at fizzling as part of every day's check and balances. When you hit with swords and weapons, you can miss, or enemies can dodge. Same concept with magic spells.

Trust me when I say this, but later on in the game, fizzling will not be that big of an issue.

The lag may just be a slower internet connection, or could be a sign of a weak graphics card. You can make sure whether you have a good graphics card by looking at minimum requirements specs, or looking up what you have. If you play on a desktop, getting an upgraded graphics card is as simple as buying one from the computer shop. They can even install it for you.

Quests. I will agree with you there. Although it is not necessarily due to locations or repetitiveness. Quests is what the sole proprietor (not sure if that is spelled correctly) of exp and character advancement. Which should not be the case, in my opinion. That is why there are SO MANY complaints and issues with quests in the game. But, that is unfortunately how the game was meant to be played out. That is something you'll have to tough out. But I fully understand why that would be a big turn off for some players.

Apr 17, 2011
grymsbie wrote:
I wanted to post this where I hope it can be seen by Kings Isle..... Once my 1 year of service is up I am not renewing and I am not playing this game any more due to 3 really annoying and persistent issues.

1) Fizzles = BAD idea! Whom ever decided to add "Fizzle" rates to this game simply ruined it for me. It adds FAR too much time and aggravation into trying to play. I have had 10 fizzles in a row happen FAR too many times and instead of a round taking only 5 min it lasts up to 45 to an hour AS A RESULT!!!!! No, the idea of a fizzle is just too much a pain for me.

2) LAG = The amount of time that is used up due to HEAVY lag and getting booted out of the game as a result is NOT enjoyable. This is an extremely simple game and it should not have the LAG issues that is still happening. It is highly annoying when you are zipping along the sidewalks in the SAFE zone only to get pulled into a fight over 1000 clicks away from your last point because the game has LAGGED and as a result you are placed in a fight that you should not be in but are because the "game" messed up due to lag. The lag has killed any enjoyment that this game had for me.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS!!!!! I can not tell you how simply INSANE it is to start a quest sending you to one location to get/do something, you go then come back and then are sent to the EXACT SAME LOCATION THAT YOU WERE JUST AT, so you have to go BACK when you should only have to do it ONE time!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! I can understand doing that one time or maybe 2 times in the WHOLE GAME, but no, you folks have it in here like a dirty penny (it's always showing up). Try thinking of it like this, you need to go drive to the store because your partner has asked you to go get some milk. You go then you come back and they say "oh I forgot the cheese, will you go get it" and you have to go back to the same place to get it. Then you get home and poof "Oh I forgot the salad dressing, can you go". You can bet your bippy that your answer is "HECK NO, GET IT YOURSELF! ". I do NOT know who thought that this constant going back to the same location you left which is many realms away is fun....... but it is NOT my idea of fun at ALL!

I am posting this in hopes that others that have these same issues can add their voice to it. If you are not having these kinds of issues then do not bother posting to this. If all the people that have these same issues and are just as tired of it reply to this post then KI can get a good idea as to how bad the issue is. If no one adds to this then it will not be a big deal. I will have moved on and you all can play in peace. No big whoop.

I disagree with everything you said other then the lag, the lag.

Jul 09, 2009
grymsbie wrote:
I wanted to post this where I hope it can be seen by Kings Isle..... Once my 1 year of service is up I am not renewing and I am not playing this game any more due to 3 really annoying and persistent issues.

1) Fizzles = BAD idea! Whom ever decided to add "Fizzle" rates to this game simply ruined it for me. It adds FAR too much time and aggravation into trying to play. I have had 10 fizzles in a row happen FAR too many times and instead of a round taking only 5 min it lasts up to 45 to an hour AS A RESULT!!!!! No, the idea of a fizzle is just too much a pain for me.

2) LAG = The amount of time that is used up due to HEAVY lag and getting booted out of the game as a result is NOT enjoyable. This is an extremely simple game and it should not have the LAG issues that is still happening. It is highly annoying when you are zipping along the sidewalks in the SAFE zone only to get pulled into a fight over 1000 clicks away from your last point because the game has LAGGED and as a result you are placed in a fight that you should not be in but are because the "game" messed up due to lag. The lag has killed any enjoyment that this game had for me.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS!!!!! I can not tell you how simply INSANE it is to start a quest sending you to one location to get/do something, you go then come back and then are sent to the EXACT SAME LOCATION THAT YOU WERE JUST AT, so you have to go BACK when you should only have to do it ONE time!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! I can understand doing that one time or maybe 2 times in the WHOLE GAME, but no, you folks have it in here like a dirty penny (it's always showing up). Try thinking of it like this, you need to go drive to the store because your partner has asked you to go get some milk. You go then you come back and they say "oh I forgot the cheese, will you go get it" and you have to go back to the same place to get it. Then you get home and poof "Oh I forgot the salad dressing, can you go". You can bet your bippy that your answer is "HECK NO, GET IT YOURSELF! ". I do NOT know who thought that this constant going back to the same location you left which is many realms away is fun....... but it is NOT my idea of fun at ALL!

I am posting this in hopes that others that have these same issues can add their voice to it. If you are not having these kinds of issues then do not bother posting to this. If all the people that have these same issues and are just as tired of it reply to this post then KI can get a good idea as to how bad the issue is. If no one adds to this then it will not be a big deal. I will have moved on and you all can play in peace. No big whoop.

(1) I have to agree that fizzle rates have gone up even my life is fizzling but nothing's perect right?

(2) This has happened to me but its not a huge deal

(3) I had to laugh at your statement about the shopping thing and this is the one I agree on. I don't want to take wild goose chases for something I don't get the credit for.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
grymsbie wrote:
I wanted to post this where I hope it can be seen by Kings Isle..... Once my 1 year of service is up I am not renewing and I am not playing this game any more due to 3 really annoying and persistent issues.

1) Fizzles = BAD idea! Whom ever decided to add "Fizzle" rates to this game simply ruined it for me. It adds FAR too much time and aggravation into trying to play. I have had 10 fizzles in a row happen FAR too many times and instead of a round taking only 5 min it lasts up to 45 to an hour AS A RESULT!!!!! No, the idea of a fizzle is just too much a pain for me.

2) LAG = The amount of time that is used up due to HEAVY lag and getting booted out of the game as a result is NOT enjoyable. This is an extremely simple game and it should not have the LAG issues that is still happening. It is highly annoying when you are zipping along the sidewalks in the SAFE zone only to get pulled into a fight over 1000 clicks away from your last point because the game has LAGGED and as a result you are placed in a fight that you should not be in but are because the "game" messed up due to lag. The lag has killed any enjoyment that this game had for me.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS!!!!! I can not tell you how simply INSANE it is to start a quest sending you to one location to get/do something, you go then come back and then are sent to the EXACT SAME LOCATION THAT YOU WERE JUST AT, so you have to go BACK when you should only have to do it ONE time!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! I can understand doing that one time or maybe 2 times in the WHOLE GAME, but no, you folks have it in here like a dirty penny (it's always showing up). Try thinking of it like this, you need to go drive to the store because your partner has asked you to go get some milk. You go then you come back and they say "oh I forgot the cheese, will you go get it" and you have to go back to the same place to get it. Then you get home and poof "Oh I forgot the salad dressing, can you go". You can bet your bippy that your answer is "HECK NO, GET IT YOURSELF! ". I do NOT know who thought that this constant going back to the same location you left which is many realms away is fun....... but it is NOT my idea of fun at ALL!

I am posting this in hopes that others that have these same issues can add their voice to it. If you are not having these kinds of issues then do not bother posting to this. If all the people that have these same issues and are just as tired of it reply to this post then KI can get a good idea as to how bad the issue is. If no one adds to this then it will not be a big deal. I will have moved on and you all can play in peace. No big whoop.

i will answer your rage comments in order
1. think of fizzles as misses also in higher lvls you can improve the chance you succeed a hit ( dont play storm unless ya like fizzling a lot at lower lvls )

2. this isnt ki"s fault its your internet connection so dont blame them

3. its always been that way in mmos that like it or not this is a mmo just like ( comparing another mmo not saying its a copy of ) world or warcraft, dungeons and dragons ( mmo right?) , um pirate101 ( XD ), lord of the rings online, dragons of atlantis, and so many others
questing has always been this way in mmos
also remember you can use a port marker to go back to people ya think you will have to go back to later
i have played many chars ( 1 lvl 62 plus a couple others near lvl 20 and 1 lvl 32 or so ( lol ) )
yet i never complained because this is a mmo
ki isnt doing anything wrong
you just want a easy ride so your yelling at them to take out fizzling ( aka miss) and lag ( they cant take that out its your computer's fault)
and the thing that ALL MMOs have

Aug 05, 2012
I admit that I rather dislike the fizzle rate in this game myself. I've lost battles that I "should" have won due to fizzling multiple times, back to back, at critical moments. I've also been in battles where I fizzled 4+ times before the battle had concluded. This seems unreasonable to me when you consider how long battles can take.

However, all games have some sort of hit/miss mechanism in place. For example, WoW actually has hit rating so you still "fizzle" when you miss landing an attack. I'm sort of thinking they could fix this just by making you immune to fizzling a second time in a row just because having it happen twice, in my opinion, is enough to give people a headache. I think having something akin to Stun protection, only for fizzles, would be nice. Maybe make it like some form of determination/boost, something interesting.

I can't say I've had much lag. Just some here and there and I'm on a Mac running bootcamp. Typically, if someone is going to have internet issues, it's me who has the trouble but I'm doing pretty well with W101.

I also agree that the quests are redundant. KI should probably sit down and brainstorm for some new ideas because, so far, as of level 16/Krokotopia, the quests are pretty predictable and I don't foresee this changing in current future levels.

I still love the game but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement! =)

Feb 20, 2011
Okay, you probably don't even understand anything about lag or why fizzles are here. First lets talk about the Fizzles.

Fizzles: Fizzles are there to make the game exciting! It brings a chance to cast a spell, or have it fail. There is no need to cry about a fizzle because there are accuracy spells are gear that will increase the chance of you NOT fizzling.

Lag: If your game is suddenly freezing or lagging, then simply move go a next realm or go somewhere else. The game is lagging because there are too much people in one place or you need to change your graphics card.

Nothing is wrong with the game, just calm down and read everybody's posts

Oct 15, 2009
i found out that alot of the lag is do to full realms,change to a realm that dont have so many people
:D :D

Oct 22, 2009
1. Get better gear. Simple.

2. Buy a new computer. Simple.

3. Its an MMO, quests will be like that, and if you don't do them, you can't get better gear, and you can't fix your fizzling problem.

4. Stop complaining, either enjoy the game or don't play.

Jul 13, 2009
1) Fizzles = BAD idea! Whom ever decided to add "Fizzle" rates to this game simply ruined it for me. It adds FAR too much time and aggravation into trying to play. I have had 10 fizzles in a row happen FAR too many times and instead of a round taking only 5 min it lasts up to 45 to an hour AS A RESULT!!!!! No, the idea of a fizzle is just too much a pain for me.

Better gear, and use the spell "Lightning Strike." This was the LAST thing on the list of complaints that I was looking for.

2) LAG = The amount of time that is used up due to HEAVY lag and getting booted out of the game as a result is NOT enjoyable. This is an extremely simple game and it should not have the LAG issues that is still happening. It is highly annoying when you are zipping along the sidewalks in the SAFE zone only to get pulled into a fight over 1000 clicks away from your last point because the game has LAGGED and as a result you are placed in a fight that you should not be in but are because the "game" messed up due to lag. The lag has killed any enjoyment that this game had for me.
To reduce lag, press ESC. then go to realms. Go all the way to the last page of realms and then you see the one that says perfect. click that one and there you go.
3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS!!!!! I can not tell you how simply INSANE it is to start a quest sending you to one location to get/do something, you go then come back and then are sent to the EXACT SAME LOCATION THAT YOU WERE JUST AT, so you have to go BACK when you should only have to do it ONE time!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! I can understand doing that one time or maybe 2 times in the WHOLE GAME, but no, you folks have it in here like a dirty penny (it's always showing up). Try thinking of it like this, you need to go drive to the store because your partner has asked you to go get some milk. You go then you come back and they say "oh I forgot the cheese, will you go get it" and you have to go back to the same place to get it. Then you get home and poof "Oh I forgot the salad dressing, can you go". You can bet your bippy that your answer is "HECK NO, GET IT YOURSELF! ". I do NOT know who thought that this constant going back to the same location you left which is many realms away is fun....... but it is NOT my idea of fun at ALL!
Um, your saying you have NEVER had to do that in real life?!?! Cause that's what I am reading. Your basically saying you never had to go back on a test and see if you got one wrong?

Dec 22, 2008
May 26, 2010
RavenLady777 wrote:
1) Fizzles. There isn't a game out there where every single thing you do is perfect. Humans aren't perfect,and neither are wizards.
Gear/pets with ACCURACY abilities can pretty much stop fizzles

2) LAG. This is not an issue all of us have. My computer is 4 years old and I experience very little lag. You need to look at your own setup/internet service provider for that issue.

3) REDUNDANT LOCATION QUESTS. It's part of learning the game. These can very easily be combined into one/two trips if you know the game and plan ahead.

I'm sorry you'll be leaving, but it doesn't sound like this is the game...or even type of game... for you.

I agree with this. There is no need for you to yell at KI just because you do not agree with certain aspects of the game. This message board is so that they can make the game more enjoyable for players. Not so you can yell about it! If you're not gonna play anymore you shouldn't even care because you won't be playing again. Thats like saying to a friend, If don't give me candy I won't be friends with you. While there are plenty of other people who like her even though they don't give out free candy. Just because one person doesn't like those realistic things doesn't mean that its a bad game. Shape up, or get lost. Nobody wants to spend their days reading complaints from a person who isn't even nice about it and doesn't seem to want to play the game anyway. Are you expecting them to go: Oh! We should change that cause some person is threatening to leave if we don't! NO!!! Seriously...