I'm farming Rattlebones for his one shot dungeon. So far i've gotten 4 exalted duels. I'm not really tanky enough to do the exalted duel. It took the party I took in over 2 hours of fleeing and coming back to beat it. I'm wondering if I'm just getting unlucky at getting master duels, or if being level 92 makes it so that I can only get exalted duels? And if you're wondering how a level 92 is not tanky enough, i'm a storm with only 2900 health and 38 defense with life mastery equipped, and 3200 with 50ish defense with my other amulet equipped.
Re: Level Effects The Rank Of One Shot Dungeon Drops?
You are only getting Exalted duels because they drop from the higher level areas, lower level bosses like Jadi Oni and Meowiarty drop master duels. So no it level does not affect the rank of one shot dungeon drops, where you are getting them from does.
As for clearing it, look up some of his cheats and think of ways to count them. EG dispels to blade removal, dispels to stop mana burn, have a spam bad juju and plagues. If you can find some max levels to help also works, at the moment there are quite a few max levels with not much to do just ask around
Re: Level Effects The Rank Of One Shot Dungeon Drops?
I was wondering about the same thing level wise. My lower level wizards farm Rattlebones and Krokopatra for master duels and most of the time I get Exalted duels. The only complaint I have is; I feel it's unfair for lower level wizards to spend hours of game time farming for duels that are to difficult to do. If KI can put locks on worlds and it's areas until you're at a certain level, what can't they do the same to one-shot duels or put level option on them?