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Leveling Stragey? Gold Stratagey

Feb 01, 2009
Hey, it seems like theres a lot of people leveling a lot faster then me, is it because they spend more time on the game then i do (which is quite a lot)? or is it because they have a teqnique? for me, I get the quests and do them as well as collect and craft and buy and train, wizardly things like that, Is there a certain place or way, or strategy for leveling faster?
Before anyone replies telling me that I should just stop to smell the roses and enjoy the game, I do, but I'm working on my fifth alt character and let me tell you, Unicorn way is only fun the first time! see what I mean?

I just want to know that I'm doing things right! so, my question is how do you level or how can I level quickly? (perhaps normal speed...maybe I'm simply going slow!)

Aug 09, 2009
I know what you mean about this issue. I have three grandmasters and am level 45 on my fourth. What I do since my grandmasters are spread out across three family account w/my kids wizards. when one of us starts a new wizard we take them to crimson fields in moo shu its the quickest area to go thru and you only have to do three or four battles. you can do this area 2 times before you stop getting xp for each quest but will be level 15 in about a hour. if you dont have family accounts then i would suggest using some of your strong friends and do this for each other when ever one of you starts a new wizard. hope this helps. :D

Aug 18, 2009
I'm working on leveling several characters at the same time. taking one through a world completely then switching to another.

Quests are where the real experience points are.

My suggestion is, collect as many quests and side quest as you can before you start working on them. Since many quests have you defeat the same monster for different things you can knock out multiple quests at the same time.
Also, minimize your walking back and forth time by knocking out as many quest on a street as possible.

for example
Unicorn Way. the quest Saving Private O'Ryan and Pesky Pirates both require you to defeat 3 skeletal pirates. When you get Saving Private O'Ryan, stop to get Fairies Wear Boots from Ceren Nightchant and Pesky Pirates from Olivia Dawnwillow on the way to Private O'Ryan's house then when it you are ready to tackle the pirates you will only have to defeat 3 of them since each one counts toward each quest.
Then defeat 2 fairies, and remember to talk to O'Ryan before you go back to the head of the street other wise you will be making a trip back to him before you can get the 'Not in Kansas Anymore' quest.
don't run off to see Ambrose every time he calls you. finish out the street and when you leave, stop by the library, you should have a quest that will take you there, then on to the headmasters office and you will be ready to finish 2 quest and start a new one there.

on the three streets in WC there are 3 or 4 quests to defeat skeletal warriors. you can get all the quests at the same time, but some of the quest are to gather items that are not always dropped. still defeating 8 to 10 of them beats defeating 15 to 30.

there are many quests in the game you can work like this.

Jul 21, 2009
When I first started playing this game, a web page would open up every time I left the game and display a hint or two about gameplay. One suggestion they gave was that by defeating an enemy with lower level spells, you would get more experience for the victory. For example, for a Rank 3 critter, use only spells with 1, 2, or 3 pip cost to cast.

Through playing the game, though, I have discovered that the experience you get from completing quests far exceeds the experience you get from combat. So as far as strategy goes, hunting down all those exclamation points hovering over NPC's is the quickest way to level.

As far as gold, I recently hit the gold limit of 150,000. I did this by farming bosses for nice drop items, and selling the things I can't use or already had. Over the course of the game that really added up.

Adam Ashfriend - Grandmaster Adviser

May 26, 2009
there are many strategies out there, but if you are on your fifth wizard, you probably figured them out already, but my guess is that you are getting bored of doing the same thing, i couldnt get through a fourth wizard, i got to krok and was just like whats the point, i know what happens later, you really just have to find out how much you yourself can do, some people can do all six wizards, but they just enjoy the game so much.

my suggestion (even though you mentioned against it) is to take a break and pvp or harvest items on one of your other wizards, then when you are bored of that, work on your newest guy that you find hard to do

hope this helped if you can understand what i am saying

Valdus FireFlame~GM necro
Richard BattleBlade~GM sorceror
Richard FireBlade~GM p

Dec 17, 2008
I found it really easy to level up faster if you skip sidequests. This lets you go through worlds faster, and higher worlds giver more xp. The only thing is that you'll be a lower level at these worlds than most people. So you might have a harder time than most people. Doing this, you can probably finish all of the main worlds, not including Grizzleheim, in 2 weeks, but, by the time you finish Dragonspyre, you'll be a really low level, probably in the high 30s, or low 40s. You'll have to go back and do those side quests if you want to get to level 50.