Hi im a level 43wizard and I really want someone to help me with my quests. (my goal is to make it up to at least lvl 50)I am currently questing in mooshu.If there is anyone that is willing to help me reach my goal please tell me your wiz101 name,your level, and what day and time you are available to help me. (I go by eastern time by the way)Your help would be much appreciated.
ps: I would like like someone that is at least lvl 60+ to help me
I know a lot of people that don't help, so I will. I am level 87 and I will help you. I've pretty much gave up continuing Azteca as it has got pretty difficult so I am doing a lot of sidequests.
ok thanks.Miranda JadeSong and Hunter LifeBreeze can help.How is Saturday at 2 oclock afternoon eastern time?If you cant,please let me know when you can.Meet in the realm vampire if you can.My name is Heather StarSong.
ok thanks.Miranda JadeSong and Hunter LifeBreeze can help.How is Saturday at 2 oclock afternoon eastern time?If you cant,please let me know when you can.Meet in the realm vampire if you can.My name is Heather StarSong.
Oooo, that sounds fun, may I join? Also which wizard should I bring;
Richard SkullDust Level 110
Richard FireDust Level 110
Both are separate accounts, one is jade and one has pretty nice stats.
ok thanks.Miranda JadeSong and Hunter LifeBreeze can help.How is Saturday at 2 oclock afternoon eastern time?If you cant,please let me know when you can.Meet in the realm vampire if you can.My name is Heather StarSong.
that time is fine with me but i might have to change
that time is fine with me but i might have to change
no problem! I might have to change Saturday to Sunday, too. But please make sure you let me know beforehand. and Richard and Hunter, please also let me know if the final time we set up is OK for you, too.
no problem! I might have to change Saturday to Sunday, too. But please make sure you let me know beforehand. and Richard and Hunter, please also let me know if the final time we set up is OK for you, too.
So Sunday, 11:00 pacific time? I think that's alright.
i know im probably being annoying but i need to postpone the meeting until 4:00 Eastern time. I hope everyone is okay with that. if you are not, maybe we can do it next saturday?
Uh, I just met you right now 11:00 in Mooshu and you just said meet up on Monday? I have no time on Monday so sorry. Hmm, this was a rather interesting encounter though. Anyways, see ya!