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Life or Myth mastery

May 29, 2013
I'm getting crowns not too long from now. I'm gonna have enough for a mastery amulet and to buy back my training points. I only have 1 shot at this until a long time before I get this many again, and I need advice. Should I get Life Mastery or Myth mastery? If I get Life mastery, I won't need to buy back my training points, but I will if I get Myth mastery. Myth has some epic spells and can shield break, which is incredible, since I'm a team player and in PVE I usually go into the fights first. For Life Mastery, it's obvious.............for healing. Healing, of course, is vital to survival, and waiting for 4 pips to use satyr isn't necessarily easy to do when your life is low, especially if you don't go first. I can live with it though, since I've learned to do it all throughout the game so far. What do you think?
Oh, and please don't say something like "it's up to you" or "it depends on your skills." I'm open minded, and that;s why I'm here in the first place............well, Balance wizards are known for being indecisive

-Alexander Earthbane lvl 51 , The Purifier
-Logan lvl 31 , Honorary Detective
-Flint Stone lvl 15 , Master Diplomat

Sep 09, 2012
You need Myth, my friend.
It has spells that strike twice, and ones that can break all shields!
Emma Emeraldsword lvl 50

Jul 04, 2012
kylesar1 on Jul 28, 2013 wrote:
I'm getting crowns not too long from now. I'm gonna have enough for a mastery amulet and to buy back my training points. I only have 1 shot at this until a long time before I get this many again, and I need advice. Should I get Life Mastery or Myth mastery? If I get Life mastery, I won't need to buy back my training points, but I will if I get Myth mastery. Myth has some epic spells and can shield break, which is incredible, since I'm a team player and in PVE I usually go into the fights first. For Life Mastery, it's obvious.............for healing. Healing, of course, is vital to survival, and waiting for 4 pips to use satyr isn't necessarily easy to do when your life is low, especially if you don't go first. I can live with it though, since I've learned to do it all throughout the game so far. What do you think?
Oh, and please don't say something like "it's up to you" or "it depends on your skills." I'm open minded, and that;s why I'm here in the first place............well, Balance wizards are known for being indecisive

-Alexander Earthbane lvl 51 , The Purifier
-Logan lvl 31 , Honorary Detective
-Flint Stone lvl 15 , Master Diplomat
Don't get myth. use life mastery amulet

Jun 10, 2012
Well, it really is your decision. But I can give you a few things to think about that may help you make it.

Your balance wizard will get Availing Hands at level 55, and may not need life healing spells at all after that. My balance wizard (now a Promethean) hasn't--I bought back her training points shortly after she got the spell and haven't missed it. The downside, compared to Satyr, is that it is a heal over time, so you do have to learn to pay close attention to your health.

Pierce, shatter, and earthquake are all very useful against balance and ice enemies who spam shields, but pierce is zero pips and shatter is only 3 pips, so you don't really a mastery amulet for those. That leaves earthquake, which is definitely very effective when you're facing 4 balance and/or ice enemies, and costs enough pips that a mastery amulet would make a significant difference.

The myth mastery amulet is no use to your myth wizard, but the life amulet could be used by all three.

Mar 12, 2013
I say plan on getting both, but remember if all else fails you can always farm waterworks for the one you didn't get.

I would get the life ammy now, because most wizards at your levels have trained life to sprite, and this gives them an option to train to satyr (especially your myth) if you think it would help. Especially ice and myth which have no healing.

I would get the myth ammy somewhere down the line, maybe when you get more crowns some months from now, maybe when you get to waterworks make it a priority to farm for it on at least one wiz who already has some of their ww gear.

Myth ammy looks better and better the higher level wiz you have equipped. You have access to myth's more unique and game-changing spells the higher you go: quake, shatter, minotaur, stunners. At level 20 it's not going to make nearly as big a difference in your game plan as it will when you're level 42 and have trained at least one double-hitter.

I'm curious, which one are you buying back points for? That will make a difference - if you must buy back your balance's points to make a myth ammy work better, then maybe you should instead buy both amulets, make a second balance, and train the second balance to use the alternate ammy to advantage. Then you'll have a wizard who can use either, and two amulets, and no lost crowns!

May 29, 2013
crunkatog on Jul 29, 2013 wrote:
I say plan on getting both, but remember if all else fails you can always farm waterworks for the one you didn't get.

I would get the life ammy now, because most wizards at your levels have trained life to sprite, and this gives them an option to train to satyr (especially your myth) if you think it would help. Especially ice and myth which have no healing.

I would get the myth ammy somewhere down the line, maybe when you get more crowns some months from now, maybe when you get to waterworks make it a priority to farm for it on at least one wiz who already has some of their ww gear.

Myth ammy looks better and better the higher level wiz you have equipped. You have access to myth's more unique and game-changing spells the higher you go: quake, shatter, minotaur, stunners. At level 20 it's not going to make nearly as big a difference in your game plan as it will when you're level 42 and have trained at least one double-hitter.

I'm curious, which one are you buying back points for? That will make a difference - if you must buy back your balance's points to make a myth ammy work better, then maybe you should instead buy both amulets, make a second balance, and train the second balance to use the alternate ammy to advantage. Then you'll have a wizard who can use either, and two amulets, and no lost crowns!
I'm doing it for my Balance wizard

My Ice secondaries Death and my Myth secondaries Fire. Besides, My Balance wizard is the highest level