I don't know if I am the only one who noticed but, WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN HAPPENED TO BARTELBYS EYE?!I seriously don't know if I'm the only player to notice this, honestly, but, when my friend was talking about Darkmoor, and my other friend asked me about the missing Eye of Bartelby, asked me if we ever get it back, and well....................................................We don't. That was like one of the main reasons we chased him to get that eye! And we don't get it. Is it going to play some bigger purpose in game? Or did is just cease to exist? Is it just part of a sidequest? Or, uh, i honestly dont know.
But honestly what ever happened to that eye malistare stole. its not like it literally just stopped existing, it must have some importance to the story.
Which eye was it again? Future or Past? I forget, anyway I am pretty sure it'll somehow tie up sooner or later.
I hope.
It was the eye of the past that was stolen. I wonder how that will tie in with the story. So many things to wonder about. It's part of why I like this game.