I am designing a new character I am using myth as the base. However, I am lost on a secondary school I thought maybe life but my only concern is I will have no elemental shields early on which posses a problem even with additional life spells. I have also considered storm for its offensive power and obvious elemental shield but I do not know this is a tuff one.
I would go ice first up to tower shield, and then death up to feint, after that I might consider going life. The tower shield is very useful no matter what school you are and also comes with a double shield against storm and fire which is also very useful. Feint allows you to kill really fast and stuff that is dead deals no damage to you, feint also enables you to save pips, blades, and traps for when you miss a kill you have to do all of that stuff over again which means you need a much larger deck size to get through battles with. Pixiey and satyre are very useful when it comes to life spells. Some characters find it hard to find four pips to cast a healing spell with (my balance never has pips for a satyre even though it uses the necklace). A one pip per turn heal is however about right. If you want healing I'd suggest going with a necklace until you get tower shield and feint.
I say fire or balance. which both have shields and powerful spells. Same with storm. I say go with one of these. I am full fire, half storm, and half myth. sometimes I wish I chose balance as a secondary. So I say its good to go with fire or balance.
Go with Ice up to the Tower Shield first. You'll get an elemental shield against Storm and Fire, the two schools that hit hardest, then the Tower Shield itself.
Hello, There are so many ways to set up a wizard, some say myth and life some say myth and death and life, What I would suggest is check out some of the wizard101 fan sites. You can do this by going to Wizard community then news and links, from there go to fan sites.
I know wizard101 central has many guides on myth wizards.
Well ok I ran a test with the myth wizard and he dies to quick for my taste I stuck with what I knew and made a second Ice wizard but here is the best part I chose death as his secondary on the advice of you all I will stick with that until I gain feint then we will see I am torn between life and storm really.
Things are going well I almost have tower shield from ice, thank you to all for your help I think I will see my first grand! You guys take it easy thanks again