I’ve noticed lately that I don’t ever see a death school user use a spell that puts a trap on all the enemies at once. Storm school has this spell but I don’t ever notice Death school having it. Is this true or is it just me and that I cannot see? That mass death trap would be useful.
I’ve noticed lately that I don’t ever see a death school user use a spell that puts a trap on all the enemies at once. Storm school has this spell but I don’t ever notice Death school having it. Is this true or is it just me and that I cannot see? That mass death trap would be useful.
Storm is the only school that has a trap that puts one on all the enemy.
Errr edit on my message above, I thought you were talking about prisms for some reason my bad.. eitherway that spell would be really nice, for every class actually!
I’ve noticed lately that I don’t ever see a death school user use a spell that puts a trap on all the enemies at once. Storm school has this spell but I don’t ever notice Death school having it. Is this true or is it just me and that I cannot see? That mass death trap would be useful.
I think all schools should eventually get a mass trap like storm because putting traps on all enemies takes forever.
As has been stated, Storm is the only school that has a Mass Trap "Windstorm". Storm has the lowest health of all the schools and needs that one advantage.
If we keep demanding KI to give all schools spells similar to another school, eventually there will be NO distinctive uniqueness at all. Every school would be doing the same thing and frankly, THAT would get very boring very quickly. The game would then be no fun.
There is a mass death trap thing available from the new Wysteria Hoard on select items. It's a general trap though so it basically does curse and plague on all enemies for 3 pips. It is called Malediction. Mass traps for each school like windstrom would be cool though. And yes there is a Mass Death Prism also.