Well some new people mix up shields with traps, not that i blame them, i calld them bad shields before i knew tha name . Anyways... Traps- power up incoming attackins, look like shields but have spikes on the edges. Will say + x% (x being the number it says) Shields- reduce incoming attacks, shields withOUT spikes on edges. Will say - x%
Both of these spells are called "wards" which circle around your feet and legs
Blades- Circle like with a sword and picture of school symbol on it, power outgoing attacks, will say + x%
There is also weakness which is the opposite of a blade which (if normal spell) will say -25%. As well as a death spell called infection that lowers your next healing spell you use. And guidance which is a life spell that increases your next healing spells.
All of these are called "Charms" they tend to circle around your head.
Fields- fields normally cast 2 increase what ever spell it says by the percentage it says on the card for EVERY person or enemy in battle. Death, life, and balance's field is different. Deaths decreases healing, life increases healing, and balance increases power pip percentage (power pips are the gold pips that count as 2 pips for your school)
Some people often call these spells "Bubbles" of AoE (area of effect)
I hope this helps you new players If i missed anything please reply
Well some new people mix up shields with traps, not that i blame them, i calld them bad shields before i knew tha name . Anyways... Traps- power up incoming attackins, look like shields but have spikes on the edges. Will say + x% (x being the number it says) Shields- reduce incoming attacks, shields withOUT spikes on edges. Will say - x%
Both of these spells are called "wards" which circle around your feet and legs
Blades- Circle like with a sword and picture of school symbol on it, power outgoing attacks, will say + x%
There is also weakness which is the opposite of a blade which (if normal spell) will say -25%. As well as a death spell called infection that lowers your next healing spell you use. And guidance which is a life spell that increases your next healing spells.
All of these are called "Charms" they tend to circle around your head.
Fields- fields normally cast 2 increase what ever spell it says by the percentage it says on the card for EVERY person or enemy in battle. Death, life, and balance's field is different. Deaths decreases healing, life increases healing, and balance increases power pip percentage (power pips are the gold pips that count as 2 pips for your school)
Some people often call these spells "Bubbles" of AoE (area of effect)
I hope this helps you new players If i missed anything please reply
It should be noted that the term "AoE" means Area of Effect and it refers to many different spell-types in this game. The bubble, dome, or whatever one wants to call it is only one type of AoE. There are also attack and healing spells which would be considered AoE. Spells like Meteor Strike, Tempest, Blizzard, Humongofrog, and many others, which attack all enemies are considered AoE. And Life's Unicorn and Rebirth spells are also considered AoE as they heal everyone in the group.
Basically AoE is a spell that effects more than one character in one way or another.