im sick of mobs being so powerful. spending my whole life time killing one barely gives me half of a bar on the do line. the game is progressing to slow. i dont work hard i. Real life to have to work hard in my leisure time to. thats supposed to be fun and enjoyable. it has become to co tiny ours and repetitious for me to enjoy it any longer. i might just have to find a new gam.
im sick of mobs being so powerful. spending my whole life time killing one barely gives me half of a bar on the do line. the game is progressing to slow. i dont work hard i. Real life to have to work hard in my leisure time to. thats supposed to be fun and enjoyable. it has become to co tiny ours and repetitious for me to enjoy it any longer. i might just have to find a new gam.
I think it's safe to say a lot of us have gotten to this point. The longer you stay the harder it is to accept the vast change the game has taken. I personally have no problem making new wizards and repeating things till they get difficult but I know that is not really fun for others to do. One of our family group refuses to make another wizard because she does not want to repeat some instances along the way again.
We stopped questing in AZ at level cap and she has been bouncing back and forth with her 3 wizards trying to advance there on her own with no luck. She doesn't play the best, have the best and help out there is slim pickins. We all play a lot less, maybe a few hours a day with quite a few skipped. The game just has lost it's casual magical feeling as KI has geared it toward a different type of player. Something I used to look forward to is now a chore to complete.
It would appear that its going to be left to those who have the time, gear/pet set up, strategy, money etc. to play. I just don't have it in me to invest the time it would take to figure it all out to make the game run more smoothly at upper levels.
I used to work regular on one wizard at a time, now I bounce back and forth and delete wizards when I tire of it, 2 were deleted in Zafaria, 2 went in Avalon. I have 2 wizards now mid AZ but will only pick up with my original Life wizard to maybe finish that world, the Balance can garden. Since I have forced myself on with not really any fun factor left I see I have run my course with this game.
Up side is, I don't buy or need to buy crowns any more. I don't buy anything for in game, housing/gear/mounts etc. If it can't be had for gold and deleted when I get rid of the wizard I don't need it. I pay for membership only. I have just gotten to the point where I pick and choose what I want to do in the game so I can enjoy most of it. I found I can delete a lot more then I keep, if I don't get it again, oh well.
The entire tone of the game became more dark with Celestia. Water Works introduced, epic rare, chance to get for some. Lower level and menu chat became shunned because of the seriousness of the game and competitiveness of the players. All my friends left the game.
I accept I probably made my own problems, many take a break or just quit, I have not. It's time I did one or the other. In the end we just need to let it go, it is what it is. I want to quit the game when I still somewhat like it, not when I really hate it. I rather say Wizard101 was a fun game then say it's a game you can play in the beginning but gets too difficult for us noobs to complete.
im sick of mobs being so powerful. spending my whole life time killing one barely gives me half of a bar on the do line. the game is progressing to slow. i dont work hard i. Real life to have to work hard in my leisure time to. thats supposed to be fun and enjoyable. it has become to co tiny ours and repetitious for me to enjoy it any longer. i might just have to find a new gam.
might help if you actually posted this under the world that is giving you problems, and let us know what school your wizard is. As it is, there's nothing we can do to help.
Sorry, but what mobs? I can kill easily all the mobs I've encountered, Longest fights only happen when they do Earthquake, I got through Azteca easily, and Khrysalis has been easy. Sorry I don't know which mobs you are talking about? Level 90Miguel Level 90Miguel Level 40Miguel
Sorry, but what mobs? I can kill easily all the mobs I've encountered, Longest fights only happen when they do Earthquake, I got through Azteca easily, and Khrysalis has been easy. Sorry I don't know which mobs you are talking about? Level 90Miguel Level 90Miguel Level 40Miguel
What's easy for an experienced gamer is not necessarily easy for a casual one.
I have played Wizards for almost 3 years, but I am by no means an experienced gamer~ I don't have perfect gear/pets/etc. for all of my wizards, and I occasionally get killed in dungeons, but I've reached a point where I've figured out a strategy that usually works. If, for whatever reason, it doesn't, I refine it and try again.
Trial and error has played a huge part in my gaming experience. Perhaps some people aren't on the same level as you are~ some are still learning, and that's what KI (and the hardcore player base) need to understand, before the gap between the two groups destroys the game.
To the OP: I feel your pain, I do. At this point in the game, questing is boring and doesn't give anywhere near enough XP for the work we are expected to put in~ it's a ton of repetition, with very little payoff, and can be frustrating the first few times you try. I'm on my third wizard, and it still drives me nuts that I have to kill the same mobs over and over...
Azteca was work, and I'm dreading what Khrysalis is going to be like when it goes live. Back in July, I cancelled both subs and took a 2-month break, just because it was causing me more stress than it was worth... When a game is no longer fun, it's time to move on, and perhaps you need a break, too. I, for one, won't hold it against you.
I don't have perfect gear or pets so far either, My best pets so far are still at ancient cause all the others failed at epic, And I still find all these worlds easy, I also work with a trial and error effect, For example when I first fought the Belloq at Twin Towers, Trying to hit him every round and wand etc. wasn't working, I would find myself with only a shield, blades, heals, etc. So instead, cause I have a balance mastery amulet, I started bringing Balance dispels for those moments I don't have it, and Bad Ju-Ju as well. (I'm Death and a Storm)
I don't have perfect gear or pets so far either, My best pets so far are still at ancient cause all the others failed at epic, And I still find all these worlds easy, I also work with a trial and error effect, For example when I first fought the Belloq at Twin Towers, Trying to hit him every round and wand etc. wasn't working, I would find myself with only a shield, blades, heals, etc. So instead, cause I have a balance mastery amulet, I started bringing Balance dispels for those moments I don't have it, and Bad Ju-Ju as well. (I'm Death and a Storm)
I train all pets to adult, but I stop there if I don't see the talents I want by then. And I don't use mastery amulets~ I once got a Storm one as a drop from Waterworks but, though my noob Fire wizard occasionally uses it for PvP, those should not be required for basic gameplay.
My point was that we all have different thresholds for what we consider to be easy or difficult. You and the OP obviously disagree~ she's clearly frustrated, and the fact that you find it easy does not invalidate her opinion that it's difficult.
(if the OP is a he, then I apologize~ if it makes you feel better, people on this board always think I'm a guy, lol)
I too have felt this way. It gets to be a lot of drudge work and slogging after a while.
But there is some hope on the horizon ...
It looks like they are trying to fix this overpowering mob thing in the test realm -- I went there and fought a few AZ mobs, and it is a bit more manageable now. So hopefully that will make the game a little more playable after the updates come out. We'll see!