So what school is most challenging in your opinion? I think Myth or Balance, since Myth's minions are a bit hard to use. And Balance's spells focus more on Strategy.
I always thought Myth was a little more difficult to use than the other schools due to the lack of AoE's. Earthquake is good for PvP, but in PvE it's basically like casting a Humongofrog for two extra pips. Even if KI added a new AoE to Myth it wouldn't be very helpful because of how many pips it would cost compared to all of the other schools AoE's. Myth has those attack twice spells that are good for getting around shields too.
They also do have decent stats. I'm pretty sure they are the 3rd highest damage school (Controversial). They also have decent critical, block, etc. Overall, if you're experienced with the game you can do well with a Myth.
Personally, I believe that life is the hardest school. Sure you can heal yourself but you have very few and very weak attack spells. In a sense, it seems that life is almost a sidekick, no offense to the life wizards out there (I have a life wizard too). Life is amazing for questing together and it is always an important asset for hard battles.
I think that life is the hardest, especially when you are starting out. Finding the balance of attacking and healing yourself is hard. Battles tend to take longer. However, contradicting my previous statement, life is very good and powerful once you become a grandmaster
In conclusion, I believe that if you want a challenge, life is the way to go!
-Hunter SpirtGem -Hunter LifeFlame Level 68 Ice Level 18 Life
"The Spiral is not in my hands, but in ours! Teamwork is the key to success!" ~Hunter SpirtGem
So what school is most challenging in your opinion? I think Myth or Balance, since Myth's minions are a bit hard to use. And Balance's spells focus more on Strategy.
Balance is easily the hardest school to play~ it requires a certain personality type to play well, and I don't have it.
I don't really care for Myth, either.But I'm keeping my conjurer around for now, to see if playing him gets easier after level 60, like Balance did.
I don't think there is a most challenging, but some take time to adapt to, such as myth and balance. You can't stick to one fighting style when your in these schools. But other schools have challenges as well.
So what school is most challenging in your opinion? I think Myth or Balance, since Myth's minions are a bit hard to use. And Balance's spells focus more on Strategy.
Well, in the beginning, Storm is a little difficult. It's spells aren't amazingly powerful yet and the health is low. So you just have to persevere until about level forty and then the fun starts. Life is the same, except sort of the opposite - Until they get the Centaur spell at level forty-two, they have hardly any big attack spells. So their battles take a rather long time. Again, you just have to persevere. I agree on Myth being hard - the damage spells aren't particularly wonderful. With a Myth wizard you just have to learn to maximize the minions and their nifty spells like Pierce and Shatter. And Earthquake. Balance's strategies are quite complex I guess and over time Sorcerers just have to figure out what works best for them - e.g. a few short and sweet attacks, or an almighty blow with their deck of blades and traps. Well, that's just my opinion. :) Sierra Ashblood, Transcendent
So what school is most challenging in your opinion? I think Myth or Balance, since Myth's minions are a bit hard to use. And Balance's spells focus more on Strategy.
In my opnion, It's death because they dont start out with good cards.
I have found that Storm is the most challenging for me. I have given up; the fizzle rate is just too frustrating, even after boosting accuracy. I love Myth and am currently working on Balance and am so far (level 14) happy with her. Each of those take some time to get used to. Death and Ice and my very favorites though. :)
Personally, I believe that life is the hardest school. Sure you can heal yourself but you have very few and very weak attack spells. In a sense, it seems that life is almost a sidekick, no offense to the life wizards out there (I have a life wizard too). Life is amazing for questing together and it is always an important asset for hard battles.
I think that life is the hardest, especially when you are starting out. Finding the balance of attacking and healing yourself is hard. Battles tend to take longer. However, contradicting my previous statement, life is very good and powerful once you become a grandmaster
In conclusion, I believe that if you want a challenge, life is the way to go!
-Hunter SpirtGem -Hunter LifeFlame Level 68 Ice Level 18 Life
"The Spiral is not in my hands, but in ours! Teamwork is the key to success!" ~Hunter SpirtGem
I agree that the Life School can be very difficult to master at the beginning, especially due to it seeming as if you are getting more heals than attacks during the time you are a Novice to a Grandmaster. So what did I do? Of course, I chose Life to be my primary school on my first wizard. I am now a Promethean Theurgist, and quite proud of it. However, I do get disappointed at times by our spells. I do realize that Cycle of Life is a Star spell, but it is intended for Theurgists. At this stage in the game, I need to be boosting my attacks and fighting, not healing all the time, especially seeing that I work alone a lot in the game. Might I add, that even though I am glad that Theurgists finally got a Damage Over Time spell, it was very weak in comparison to the other level 88 spells. Do not misunderstand, I love the Life School, but overall I am trying to say that it does indeed have some challenges to it. I like to take these challenges head on and persevere. ~Shannon Skybreaker
I agree Life because we have to crawl our way to level 58 to get our 1st all over spell. How many people create a Life wizard and give up way before then? We are considered the "healer" even if we mainly solo play so are given way too many spells toward that aspect. I agree it's an insult to finally get to AZ and be given yet another heal type spell when really I am fighter not a healer, I passed on that one but seriously need Sharpen Blade. I quest with a Death wizard I don't need healing I need damage.
My second choice here would be Balance - in AZ now I still don't think I figured that school out. It's my second attempt at it. I get by but I don't think I am using the school to the best of it's ability. I still don't know how to battle Balance bosses well. I quest with other family so I do feel Balance in a group shines. I can buff up our Storm and one hit most everything so far. I don't think I would be doing AZ at all if it weren't for the fact that we have a team that does seem so far to be able to quest there and one member really wants to quest there.
Storm, supprisingly. At the higher levels (after MooShu) the bad accuracy and health make it real hard. And in my opinion, supercharge and sometimes even wild bolt don't equal what they used to be. My diviner mainly relies on traps, blades, tritons, and, unfortunatley, satyrs.
Honestly, it's all about health. If you have a lot of health, then you're set. All the other attributes of wizards are important, but not nearly as nessacary as health. It is therefore my humble opinion that Storm, at least towards the beginning, is the hardest class.
Colin GoldenStone, level 19 David DuneStrider, level 51 Allan IcePetal, level 38
I have to say storm. The spells fizzle ALL THE TIME. But I see a lot of people saying balance is hard. Actually, I think it's easy. I mean, at a certain level you get Judgement and you can just get a bunch of pips and defeat everyone and everything. Another thing: ice might be hard because the spell fizzle a lot too. I don't know why, they have 80% hit rate but they fizzle all the time. I use death, but that also has flaws. For example: Vampire. You get a rank 4 spell at a lower level. But it takes a long time to actually get the pips to cast it. And if you fizzle, you're probably gonna rage quit. Myth is one in the middle. You get minions () but it fizzles sometimes. () Fire is also hard. Damage over time is harder then just hitting them once. They can just cast Sprite and erase the damage they take (and even might heal a little!) and make you waste your pips. Life is the best. You can heal, and there's only one flaw: low damage attack spells. That's what I think. Do you agree?
Why is everyone throwing Myth under the bus? I mean it's not that bad. By the way, has anyone though about astral schools being considered schools? If you count those moon is probably the worst. What's the point in it. If you want spells from another school use training points to get them.
I guess storm is challenging due to the low of health, I am currently training my level 51 storm but somehow i GIVE UP HALF WAY......
Balance is all about strategy, I am a balance wizard myself and it suites my personality well, i'll make suree my partners health is on full as i keep healing them, casting blades and traps before i could even hit the bosses myselfs, we are just too busy hoarding up pips, even to cast a chimera to get to 9 pips is hard work and I constantly using The Moon Card for "Empowerment" to get pips from every hit.
Definitely Balance. You have to think pretty much everything through. One wrong move and you could be defeated.
i have a named delaney and she was hard to use at first but my always fizzles my is hard to master i am always losing my battles my and are very powerful wizards in my opinion i think all schools are hard to master at first
I am not sure. All of them are hard, and all of them do the same quests and I have all the kinds of wizards except storm and myth . But I had trouble on unicorn way with my death wizard beacause the dark sprite always takes away like 85. I had trouble in colossus boluvard with ice though. It was most likely beacause of resistance. Then i had trouble in firecat alley with fire . This was also most likely beacause of resistance. Then with balance , I had trouble in the krosopinx. I am not sure why, but its hard. Now with the life school, I am still struggling at LEVEL 40 trying to get through Big Ben. I NEED MOOSHU!!!
I agree a lot with what some are saying. I find is easy and so is after I got my blade and minion spells. Although I wish "Charlie" (my ice minion) had more hit points, even if just a little more. Also if we are counting spells than yes that's an awful set of school spells because there's a point when no matter what you turn into it's going to be weaker than your wizard. Plus there's no good transformations. Speaking of myth, they are the only one of the 7 schools (meaning I'm not not counting , clearly) that doesn't get a beetle. That's not right to leave them out of the Beetle mania. I once met a girl who saw a rain beetle and said oh that looks cool, I never seen a myth beetle before. I told her that she still hasn't because that was a storm pet. Plus one of their best damage for pip cost spells (Nina Pigs) has an accuracy equal to that of a spell. The actual spell does hit just as hard as the treasure card version, so at least there's that but unless you want to get it from Yan Kan Cook you have to keep defeating Koto in the cave of solitude. Which I found easier than getting the Samoorai spell from Shoji and and the Goat Monk Spell from Zaneki. For those in school you may want to add the Goat Monk to your list of moves if you want an extra attack spell. Also, I don't like how power is substituted with special effects on the high level myth moves. Although it's kind of a relief when you face some high level myth foe that uses 5 pips to cast a weak myth imp. Plus I think that since they made a myth spell that sacrifices percision for power they can make a school spell that does the reverse. I know sometimes when I use my ice guy that choose to use the spell Samoorai over Stormzilla because I know that it's more likely to hit. At least when I don't have an ice attack in hand. Plus the Kazane gear from the pagoda increasing my aim helps too. Further more "Stanley" the "fizzle" school minion doesn't help my storm guy that much either. So, it's .
I don't think any school is the hardest. A lot of people are saying Balance and Life, I have a Balance wizard in Zafaria and a Life wizard in Mooshu. Every school is hard in their own way. I honestly got bored of my Balance wiz because I was using Ra with blades and traps in every battle. I have to say that I tried Myth, but abandoned it because I don't like using minions as a main source of power.