I have a good question, why do KI mute for 10 years instead of making the mute permanent?? Do you guys not think the game will last that long or something?? Please don't take this offensively. It is just a question
I have a good question, why do KI mute for 10 years instead of making the mute permanent?? Do you guys not think the game will last that long or something?? Please don't take this offensively. It is just a question
And Wizard101 will be celebrating it's TENTH year, so if you received that ten year mute punishment in the first year of W101, then your muting will end soon!!!!! ( Try not to make the same mistake, ok? )
I have a good question, why do KI mute for 10 years instead of making the mute permanent?? Do you guys not think the game will last that long or something?? Please don't take this offensively. It is just a question
I see a 10 year mute as this:
"We see that this kid is quite immature and can't be trusted not to run his mouth off in violation of the rules. Therefore, we'll silence him for ten full years, thus giving him plenty of time to grow up."
I don't see anything else or any punishment that is worse than a decade of being muted other than being banned.
Mistakes like this doesn't occur often, so I'm guessing your or whoever's actions must've really crossed a line.
That said, I'd probably assume they don't issue permanent bans as they believe that they wanted to display the chance for you to use the time reflectively (looking back at your indiscretions) while the ban is in progress.
And again, an indication that KI is angry (muting) but not fed up (banned).