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Myth, Fire, or Balance?

Aug 01, 2011
I've decided to come back to the game but I am unable to decide on which school to choose. Please help me decide When I played this game a few years ago I picked Balance but I always had dreams of becoming Myth but now I hear it's weak. Should I go for Balance since that's what I was when I started or Myth or Fire?

Oct 14, 2015
First of all, there is no such thing as a weak school because each school has its advantages. And second of all, nobody can help you pick a school that decision is entirely up to you. I can give you my thoughts on those schools though.

I really like this school because they have moderate health and pretty good attacks once you get medusa.
I absolutely love this school just because of the fantasy of bending fire and summoning enflamed minions.
This school is alright but the leveling process is really slow.

Try playing each school to level 20 or so to see what you think. Best of luck

Dec 12, 2015
Zlyxer on Feb 18, 2016 wrote:
I've decided to come back to the game but I am unable to decide on which school to choose. Please help me decide When I played this game a few years ago I picked Balance but I always had dreams of becoming Myth but now I hear it's weak. Should I go for Balance since that's what I was when I started or Myth or Fire?
Still fire all the way right here!

Richard SkullDust level 110
Richard FireDust level 110
Richard GoldDust level 61

Mar 01, 2015
Richard SkullDust on Feb 19, 2016 wrote:
Still fire all the way right here!

Richard SkullDust level 110
Richard FireDust level 110
Richard GoldDust level 61
I strongly believe balance is a good school to pick because its ok if you have a enemy to defeat and you are a wizard because allows you to cast a spell from ,, or so your enemies dont resist on you. I like the fact that allows you to draw power from any other school from enemies. All you need to do if you are school and you have a enemy to defeat is take out spells like judgement, sandstorm, scorpion, locust swarm, and other spells that use power to draw health, from your deck.

Heather StarSong lvl 47
Jasmine SpellCaster lvl 18
Autumn LifeBlossom lvl 14
Erica SparkleFlame lvl 4

Sep 06, 2010
I say myth because we have ninja pigs. Nothing beats bacon in a ninja suit.

Oct 22, 2011
I found Balance hard to quest with at upper levels unless Balance is questing with a friend.

Fire is great, but if you want something different ....

Go with Myth. Myth is not weak at all. It's actually very powerful. My L-110 Myth has some of the best stats of any of my wizards, and once you learn to play it inside and out, you will have no problems anywhere.

Feb 22, 2016
I absolutely adore Balance.

My plan is to make the Moon spells my secondary.

I'll be so versatile

Feb 22, 2016
I've been checking out the classes a bit more, and I've decided to switch to Myth.
Myth looks fudging awesome. It even has a Baba Yaga themed spell now! OMG!

My Tawny Ram that I bought for my Balance wizard will go great with the Golden Ram I'm gonna eventually buy for my Myth wizard!

Feb 22, 2016
Awww Fire is cool too!

No, nope, Balance and Moon are the only suitable schools for someone as indecisive as myself.

Feb 22, 2016
...and, now I'm a Necromancer named Morgrim

Goodness help me, this is the last time, I promise.

I'm beginning to irritate myself honestly

Jan 24, 2010
If you plan on getting far into the game, i would not choose because in celestia and zafaria minions aren't that helpful. however in pvp i find them pretty helpful, so if you plan on getting powerful gear by doing pvp i would choose . However, i would do if you are really really stuck between and for a long time because has a little bit of everything. is good for doing bosses i guess because it does damage over time and you can keep putting traps on a guy for each time the over time spell does damage. Whatever this is just my opinion. I hope you find it helpful if you haven't decided.