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Myth has weak attack spells

Mar 14, 2009
I can't solo anything and neither can my myth friends. We don't quest together because we're weak together as well and we usually die. I have nine legendary myth friends and I am legendary too. Orthrus, medusa and talos (the minion) are weak and don't do much damage. When I go on quests with storm, with just one blade, they can get 10, 000 damage to all enemies. With one blade using earthquake, myth can get 600 damage. Use medusa with one blade, myth can get about 900-1000 damage. Storm gets like 10 times more damage than myth and they can do it to every enemy!

Even life and ice get more damage with all enemy spells. I find it really annoying. I know that myth is 'strategy' but all we can do is take away shields from the enemy and put shields on ourselves. Then we can do a bunch of small damage attacks that take a lot of pips. Myth is the weakest school and I've looked at the next spells I get and it doesn't get any better. I think that to improve the game, myth should get stronger and more powerful spells. And we should get a spell like supercharge which storm (the most powerful school) has. So, instead of making storm more and more and more powerful. Try to give a bit of attention to the weak myth wizards. Also, myth should get more powerful all enemy spells. Thanks for reading this and I hope myth will get stronger and better soon!

Oct 24, 2010
Pasha1234 on Aug 17, 2013 wrote:
I can't solo anything and neither can my myth friends. We don't quest together because we're weak together as well and we usually die. I have nine legendary myth friends and I am legendary too. Orthrus, medusa and talos (the minion) are weak and don't do much damage. When I go on quests with storm, with just one blade, they can get 10, 000 damage to all enemies. With one blade using earthquake, myth can get 600 damage. Use medusa with one blade, myth can get about 900-1000 damage. Storm gets like 10 times more damage than myth and they can do it to every enemy!

Even life and ice get more damage with all enemy spells. I find it really annoying. I know that myth is 'strategy' but all we can do is take away shields from the enemy and put shields on ourselves. Then we can do a bunch of small damage attacks that take a lot of pips. Myth is the weakest school and I've looked at the next spells I get and it doesn't get any better. I think that to improve the game, myth should get stronger and more powerful spells. And we should get a spell like supercharge which storm (the most powerful school) has. So, instead of making storm more and more and more powerful. Try to give a bit of attention to the weak myth wizards. Also, myth should get more powerful all enemy spells. Thanks for reading this and I hope myth will get stronger and better soon!
Myth is not weak, you just need to learn the nuances and use them... stack blades and traps (you should have trained the spirit traps/blades in krok) is one.
ALL schools have strengths and weaknesses; it is up to you to learn how to best utilize your school.

Jun 10, 2009
One blade? That's abnormal for even a Storm wizard. I'll tell you what: Sometimes it doesn't matter so much what charms or traps you cast, it's the clothes you wear. That is the method to most Wizards' madness. If you don't already do so, go to the Bazaar every now and then and see what's in stock. Check the stats that each offer, and if you're looking for something that offers a damage boost, try it out. A lot of wizards that I know are amazingly tough because of their clothes and not their charms or traps. Don't forget about athames, rings, and amulets! Although I agree that Myth could use more spells that are multi-target attacks. Earthquake and Humongofrog are in fact the only Myth spells I am aware of that are multi-target attack Myth spells!

Also, just try to make more friends. Not all Myth wizards are 'weak,' trust me, I've had my fair share of losses against them in PvP.

Sorry, I have to disagree with you on the Life and Ice part. Ice is generally much weaker than Myth, you just have to think a little. Even if Mammoth is stronger than Medusa, there is a reason for that. While Mammoth stuns the target for just one round, Medusa stuns for two rounds, and it's the only spell like that. Also, Life doesn't have as many attack or defend spells as other schools. This is because they are mainly healers, so it's common for them to stack lots of traps and blades for their attacks.

Well, I don't think KI will change with Storm at all, I'm sorry to say. Storm is the Powerhouse of all strength, and it is meant to overpower all other schools in strength. Myth was meant to be a strategist's school (A lot like Ice in my opinion.), not a Powerhouse school. (Hence why Myth is the 'opposite of Storm.') Though, it would still be nice to have another multi-target Myth spell some time.

Remember: Ice is still the weakest in strength and it always will be. But I'm still happy with it! Thanks for reading my weird observation.
~ Courtney I. Transcendent

Jul 07, 2013
i guess you can say myth is weak orthrus us eight hundred damage (or something close to that if you add the fifty and seven hundred fifty) so i don't call that weak my frost giant does less damage but it does it to all people
but i think the spell after you get meusa should be stronger i think snow angel is better but ya plus the orthrus and minotaur attack spell are weak for a reason it takes away the tower shields or the myth shields on its first attack on its second it does good damage
i think myth is good for some battle or some are not good for some battles but myth is balanced like all the other schools

jared icehammer level 48 wizard :)

Feb 06, 2010
Oh myth is never weak. You can get rid of shields so easily and your minions are great compared to everyone else's. And medusa is a DOUBLE stun. Two rounds gets you 4 pips. 3rd round minotaur. You have just created 1,300 damage or more depending on gear and if you critical. Basically 3,000 damage with WW gear. How can you complain? And 10,000 damage to all enemies with one blade must be a typo. I think 1,000 is what you meant. And myth's orthrus removes a shield and does fair damage. ANd when someone said mammoth does more damage than medusa and stuns for less, they forgot it's 1 more pip. And basilisk does a lot of damage (1,150 damage) AND a stun. It made ice look bad. 300 more damage and SAME accuracy. And storm has no defenses (well bad defenses) and they fizzle so much.

Aug 08, 2012
Myth is not very weak but it's ok. It's suppose to be a soloing class.

Jan 21, 2011
I can't disagree more. Myth is a school of decisive planning, and rules as soloing. Now, the boss/dungeon you are facing is most likely difficult, but everyone needs help. I have fire friends and storm friends that need help sometimes. But Myth has minions. We have double attack spells. We can hit more than one thousand early on. If you're calling Myth weak, then you're also saying Ice, Balance, Life, and Death REALLY weak. Myth wasn't meant to be a mini-storm. It was meant to be strategic. Spamming Cyclops and Troll won't do it. Fully blade and trap up minotaur as a Level 45 and it can hit pretty high! Just keep trying.

Sep 01, 2011
RavenLady777 on Aug 18, 2013 wrote:
Myth is not weak, you just need to learn the nuances and use them... stack blades and traps (you should have trained the spirit traps/blades in krok) is one.
ALL schools have strengths and weaknesses; it is up to you to learn how to best utilize your school.
There is so much to be said for strategy, but the number of turns remains the same for each class--for example, 2 rounds of play followed by a 14000 point spell will always get you closer to a win than "need two blades plus a trap plus a feint ( 5 rounds) to do 8000 points damage. There is a "very something" description for every other class, for example: life=very good healer, storm=very strong hitter, balance=very good supporters, ice=very good defenders, fire=very strong multiple enemy hits, death=very strong DOTs; please fill in the blank for myth?I love my Myth wizard, and keep expecting that "something" to define Myth, not Myth mixing and matching other schools spells. If this is not going to change, then we should be able to use other classes top spells...Also, What was the thinking for minions? They cost 3 pips, and they are programmed as GOOD targets. So the Myth upgrade? minions-- which "help" use your traps with a weak wand strike, put up shields against all but the current enemy school, then die. What other classes have such useful spells/updates? Again,
I would choose Myth as my favorite class, but facts are facts.

Nov 14, 2010
myth isn't the school of damage storm is myth is meant to rely on their minions life is meant to heal balance is meant to blade others and trap enemies and shield peoples fire does damage over time death has health drains and ice has defense if you don't like using minions i suggest trying a new school

Feb 12, 2013
Au contraire. Even thought I myself, my main character, is a Balance Wizard, and I maintain that Balance is Best, I have to recognize that Myth is powerful. I have a Myth character, and she's awesome. Myth is indeed a formidable School.

~Mary TrollHunter
Master Sorcerer

Aug 20, 2008
This thread is amusing, considering the times in the early years where Myth was considered to be one of the overpowered schools. ;-)

Aug 18, 2011
Legendary Myth wizards can be quite strong. Many players consider Myth the best for 1v1 PvP, and Conjurers have soloed just about every fight in the game. At your level there are some things that can make you stronger.

1- good gear. The waterworks set is the best at your level, and it's worth farming for. The next best is the level 56 crafted from Wintertusk. Some of the crown gear is also pretty good. If you aren't using something with universal resist and substantial damage boost, get some.

2- strategy. Though storm and fire have higher raw damage, Myth spells are not weak. The key is to boost them. Train Sun damage enchants if you haven't all ready. Train spirit blade, and pick up additional blades & traps from pets, gear items, and amulets. From here on you won't be using minions much, so get used to buffing your own spells.

3- teamwork. If you work together you can do more damage faster. That's good! It is usually best if one player casts a big damage spell and others boost him or her. If you team with another myth wizard, one of you can cast the buffs that use pips - spirit blade, feint, time of legend, etc - and the other can use "free" boosts - trained and amulet blades and traps - to save pips for the attack.

May 21, 2010
ok i am sure the storm doing 10,000 with 1 blade isn't true unless that blade is supercharge. Myth has pretty good damage when you have blades and gear. One MAJOR thing is that a 2.5k earthquake or a 3k frog doesnt cut t in azteca. We have to use every blade and time of legend plus colossal to do that much. We will be able to increase our damage with sharpen blade but that means even more set up. are we supposed to kill 1 enemy at a time while fire or storm can just wipe out enemies across the board easy.

Aug 20, 2008
crystal2020164 on Sep 1, 2013 wrote:
ok i am sure the storm doing 10,000 with 1 blade isn't true unless that blade is supercharge. Myth has pretty good damage when you have blades and gear. One MAJOR thing is that a 2.5k earthquake or a 3k frog doesnt cut t in azteca. We have to use every blade and time of legend plus colossal to do that much. We will be able to increase our damage with sharpen blade but that means even more set up. are we supposed to kill 1 enemy at a time while fire or storm can just wipe out enemies across the board easy.
In a word, "yes".

The different schools all have different "flavors" on purpose. If you want to smash things in one huge hit (and take the reduction in accuracy and other drawbacks that go with that ability) then play Storm instead of Myth. That's what Storm does. Myth does something else entirely, just like Death and Life and all the others do their own special gimmick.

You have six character slots and a shared bank for a reason. If you want to play like a Storm wizard, then *make* a Storm wizard.

Feb 02, 2013
Pasha1234 on Aug 17, 2013 wrote:
I can't solo anything and neither can my myth friends. We don't quest together because we're weak together as well and we usually die. I have nine legendary myth friends and I am legendary too. Orthrus, medusa and talos (the minion) are weak and don't do much damage. When I go on quests with storm, with just one blade, they can get 10, 000 damage to all enemies. With one blade using earthquake, myth can get 600 damage. Use medusa with one blade, myth can get about 900-1000 damage. Storm gets like 10 times more damage than myth and they can do it to every enemy!

Even life and ice get more damage with all enemy spells. I find it really annoying. I know that myth is 'strategy' but all we can do is take away shields from the enemy and put shields on ourselves. Then we can do a bunch of small damage attacks that take a lot of pips. Myth is the weakest school and I've looked at the next spells I get and it doesn't get any better. I think that to improve the game, myth should get stronger and more powerful spells. And we should get a spell like supercharge which storm (the most powerful school) has. So, instead of making storm more and more and more powerful. Try to give a bit of attention to the weak myth wizards. Also, myth should get more powerful all enemy spells. Thanks for reading this and I hope myth will get stronger and better soon!
I use to believe this as well when I was a lower level myth I would always think that I was the weakest out of all of the schools, but after a while of getting use to it, I learned that myth is not weak what so ever. Trust me I completely hated being myth but now I think that i have made the best choice of my entire life for life

Jun 10, 2011
Steal shields, steal pips, summon powerful minions, strengthen minions, giving pips, decent amount of damage.

How are you guys weak?

Aug 20, 2010
Is this post a joke? Cause I am smiling right now I think it is funny. I just switched to my serious typing face, but this is a joke isn't it. April fools? Cause I know myth isn't weak. Your post came too late, April is over. Sorry buddy.

Jul 18, 2010
Myth? WEAK!?!?! Your joking ...... Right? Myth is truly powerful . To be successful and mighty with myth, you must learn the ways of myth Trust me myth is the opposite of weak !!!

Feb 12, 2011
Myth WEAK DEFFINITELY NOT I am grand master myth and I beat storm chars easily so don't go on and on badly about myth because if anything myth is one of the best so minions aren't helpful they are used as a destraction. The weakest school is death and the 2 has to be storm because of defense one thing my grand master lvl 90 myth has 12,576 health and when I use a move i critical and kill anyone health 3,000 myth is so good so just deal with the fact that myth is one of the best plus if you look on the leader boards some of the best are myth types. Myth lvl 90 morgrim sprite strider :)

Jan 21, 2011
I hate when people say this ... Myth is meant for strategy not pummeling the enemies with a massive amount of force! Myth was meant to be used at certain moments: using earthquake on enemies about to deal a death blow, ridding people of their defenses, and ridding them of their attacks. I'm sorry if I sound upset but lately this has been getting a bit out of control ... if you can't figure out how to use Myth and prefer attack over strategy, I, surprisingly, suggest you switch to Storm ...

Jan 21, 2011
I just realized I already posted on this, I haven't been on here for awhile, sorry

Jan 11, 2012
mythessence on Aug 28, 2013 wrote:
There is so much to be said for strategy, but the number of turns remains the same for each class--for example, 2 rounds of play followed by a 14000 point spell will always get you closer to a win than "need two blades plus a trap plus a feint ( 5 rounds) to do 8000 points damage. There is a "very something" description for every other class, for example: life=very good healer, storm=very strong hitter, balance=very good supporters, ice=very good defenders, fire=very strong multiple enemy hits, death=very strong DOTs; please fill in the blank for myth?I love my Myth wizard, and keep expecting that "something" to define Myth, not Myth mixing and matching other schools spells. If this is not going to change, then we should be able to use other classes top spells...Also, What was the thinking for minions? They cost 3 pips, and they are programmed as GOOD targets. So the Myth upgrade? minions-- which "help" use your traps with a weak wand strike, put up shields against all but the current enemy school, then die. What other classes have such useful spells/updates? Again,
I would choose Myth as my favorite class, but facts are facts.
Just to correct something, Fire has the strong DoTs not death. Death only has 3 DoT and only one of those is an AoE. Fire has 7 DoTs, and 3 of them are AoE spells. Death I'd say is a good party player when done right. They can heal themselves, heal others, give pips to others, boost others' attacks (with both blade and traps). Death is also a great soloing school because of its versatility. Remember, Myth's primary focus on its school description is summoning minions (it can summon 10), which it can do more than any other school (with the weird exception in death which can summon 15). In that one instance, Myth and Death are backwards

Feb 12, 2011
Slickriptide on Sep 1, 2013 wrote:
This thread is amusing, considering the times in the early years where Myth was considered to be one of the overpowered schools. ;-)

Thank you my friend has 18,069 health and he is grand master myth and he stacked on blades towers and he used othurus and did 20,000 damage he is op

Jun 02, 2013
I apologize for sounding like the bad guy here, but when someone is legitimately asking for help and you insult them with unclear rants, false claims and condescending tones that is upsetting.


On this thread post you strongly advocate the Myth school, with your claims of being able to defeat Death & Storm school characters due to them being so weak. Now from attempting o understand you response here, you have a Level 90 Myth school wizard with over 12k Health and pretty much any enemy with under 3k Health you basically one shot them with a critical spell that shall remain nameless.

Now on another thread, which you created no less than an hour later, you complain about the very same school, and how Myth spells are too weak and your Life spells are much more effective. Not to mention that on that post your all mighty Myth wizard is just Level 30 and appears to require assistance from others for just about anything you attempt.

Perhaps you remained logged in and someone is attempting to trash your credibility on our message boards. I apologize if that's the case. If not, it is very disrespectful to condescend someone for their lack of knowledge to a game they are actually attempting to learn.

Sep 01, 2011
critical blizzard on Aug 30, 2013 wrote:
myth isn't the school of damage storm is myth is meant to rely on their minions life is meant to heal balance is meant to blade others and trap enemies and shield peoples fire does damage over time death has health drains and ice has defense if you don't like using minions i suggest trying a new school
all of what you state is true; the difference is, all of the schools ALSO can deal tremendously strong blows with far less stacking than Myth; the way to win for ALL schools is to "out power" the enemy before your health runs out; although Myth has to take extra rounds to put up extra blades, we take the same amount of damage ( and more because of extra rounds) making our battles uneven; in other words, it takes us longer to build up the weakest attack, and no gear, spells, health levels, etc make up for this vulnerability.