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New Decks???

Nov 11, 2012
I was wondering if KI will be making new decks for higher level wizards...I mean i know in Azteca that you can buy a deck and get deck drops from the bosses but they have the same deck number stat as lower levels...(72, 75) I want to know if there will be new decks with more space to hold cards???...especially with the new world and new spells and all...just asking

Aug 23, 2009
There are some drop and purchasable in KS that have different stats, but nothing overly new like you describe.

Sep 17, 2012
The deck I got in KS has slightly better stats than the Azteca one I got.

Max Spells 64
Max Copies 6
Max Copies 9
Sideboard 35
+38 Max Health
+2 Incoming

vs my Ateca deck

Max Spells 64
Max Copies 6
Max Copies 9
Sideboard 34
+20 Max Health
+1 Incoming