i saw the thing about upcoming expansions, and i was thrilled. however, when will the level cap actually increase from 50 to 60? i want to learn storm spells as well as balance, but i need more training points to do so. also, will there be a level 58 card quest or what? :| 8)
Almost as important a question - when will 50th Lvl wizards start earning XP again? I have a 50th Lvl who is still completing quests, and has earned (but not had added) about 15000 XP.
When the level cap is raised on the Live Realm, players who are currently level 50 will begin to earn experience again.
You will not be rewarded retroactive experience that you would have received from quests or duels you completed after you turned level 50 but before the level cap increase.
When the level cap is raised on the Live Realm, players who are currently level 50 will begin to earn experience again.
You will not be rewarded retroactive experience that you would have received from quests or duels you completed after you turned level 50 but before the level cap increase.
Will there be enough experience in Celestia to get us to level 60? Or is the cap going to be raised prior to that so we can get the rep from the GM towers that will preceed Celestia?