Some people say that the new life spell is unfair because it's too "powerful" and it lets them live "forever". Well it's not and it doesn't. It might bring them back to life but isn't that the point of life school. How many times has a life wizard heal you or brought you back to life? Probably a lot. And now that it get's it's first actually powerful spell your all saying "o no they shouldn't have that. It's way overpowered," well it's not. I am a life wizard myself and i can't even tell you how many times I've died alone because the spells were "overpowered". Life already brings others back to life so why can't they bring themselves back? If you take away or weaken this spell then what will life wizards have to help themselves when their dead Dr. Von's monster Leviathan Frost giant Judgment Efreet Orthrus These spells could also be considered overpowered. I have been killed by all of these with full health and died. This spell is one of my only chances and you guys are claiming it's overpowered and trying to take it away Shame
You mean guardian angel? That's not new. Spinysaur is new. And Guardian angel gives you barely any life and only 6 pips but it's a good spell. Frost Giant only killed you at full health because they stacked blades (475 damage kills 3,000 health enemy?). And they are the PvP crowd. But a leviathan after guardian angel means win for the storm. It is a good spell. It will pay off soon. They are trying to get to your head. Soon you will have spinysaur and everyone will be scared away.