This isn't really how I want to break this, and I'm definitely not trying to be rude to new people. But I made a big mistake of using team up all the time. It just ruins the fun because you then can't fight for yourself, or at least you think you aren't powerful enough to take it on solo. I'd solo. I can't solo that much because I always get help and it's okay once in a while, but I can't get through Celestia dungeons or battles because I lost my confidence. The reason I bring this up is people follow me around in the commons asking for help. And I just want to tell you that I don't think you should always get help, because it is better to solo (especially when you are a 'younger player'). So please just don't make the same mistake I did, because I often regret my reliance on others to heal me, blade me, or buff me of any sort. If any of you have made this mistake spread the word at #SoloIsConfidence This is only because I want you all to know who you are, and that you are stronger than you realize : )
As a death, Solo is my specialty but there are times you need help no matter what, like cheating bosses, dungeons etc... It's good to ask for help and enjoy the teamwork part of the game.
After all this is just my humble opinion.
Kane, Level 98 Promethean Necromancer (Currently questing through khrysalis)
When I was an Ice wizard I was able to solo the majority if the game because of my high health and defense. I think people use team up souch is because not only because of he or confidence but also maybe because they dobt have the gear where thy want I to be AND could be farming. Or are jut rushing through the game.
When I was an Ice wizard I was able to solo the majority if the game because of my high health and defense. I think people use team up souch is because not only because of he or confidence but also maybe because they dobt have the gear where thy want I to be AND could be farming. Or are jut rushing through the game.
I have soloed a great majority of the game - I only use team up when I've tried soloing a dungeon and it becomes obvious to me that I can't win without help.
the lost of confidence can go both ways...I am level 86 and have had help in major battles about eight times...the rest was me and my henchmen.....I love solo as you can use your talents,see how you won,see how you are in control either, when you team up its entirely different, your deck will be set different and you might be the major hitter or maybe support have to have a different mind set as to be a good team player....Im in the learning stage of team play and Im a level 86!....will i do well, will they want to play with me again,do they expect more from a level 86 in team far all that I have played with were great, but I have noticed that there is little interaction after the win and they scatter to the wind, slim chance to say "thank you" or "thank you for helping me"....but for some thats the idea, rush in, defeat, sign up for the next you I am building confidence on the "team play" side of game playing. Gabrielle Ravenwalker, Balance Azteca