OK I'm not one to look a gift Satyre in the mouth, but Satyres are generally male (with the beard and all). Mine is having gender issues since HE is named Lady Emma. Is there any way I can change this? He came with the new spell.
Your answer is in our Player's Guide under the Pets section.
Renaming Your Pet If you're not happy with your pet's name, you can choose a new name by going to the Dye Shop in the Wizard City Shopping District. You will see a new icon there that will instruct you on how to rename your pet, for a small gold fee.
OK I'm not one to look a gift Satyre in the mouth, but Satyres are generally male (with the beard and all). Mine is having gender issues since HE is named Lady Emma. Is there any way I can change this? He came with the new spell.
Your help is very much appreciated.
Kimberly Angledreamer Grandmaster Theurgist
A Satyr? Please, where did you get it?? Please?
Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 37, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")