Hey guys! I'm sure there are a lot of posts like these but I wanted to make my own. These are just some ideas for future spells coming in the third arch. If you guys have your own please post them! (Not posting stats like damage amount or pips because I don't want to make them unbalanced)
: Anubis- X damage to single enemy + damage over time to all other enemies "The whole screen becomes dark and shadowy and howls can be heard in the distance, two glowing red eyes appear towering over your opponent. A large man walks out with a black cloak and the head of a black jackal, he wields a large staff with a burning green skull on the top and several markings engraved into it. He howls up towards the sky and aims his staff at your target shooting a beam of green energy at them, he then stomps sending green cracks into the ground put a DOT counter that does X amount of damage to all remaining enemies.
: Gaia- X heals to all friendly allies and X damage to random enemy "The duel area becomes covered with rolling hills and a river, the sounds of birds chirping in the distance. A rumbling sound is heard and out of the side of a hill the face of a woman appears, tow hands reach from the ground. Turning to face your allies she blows flowers from her hand healing each friendly ally for X healing. Then she angrily turns around and using her hands rips a chunk of earth from the ground and hurls it at a random enemy dealing X amount of damage.
: Harpy- X damage to enemy + summon two minions " The duel area becomes flooded with clouds and a shrieking noise can be heard in the distance, suddenly with a poof from the clouds three harpies appear they growl at your target and then begin to shriek and fly around your target creating a vortex of air around them dealing X damage then two of the harpies fly onto the duel area and become myth minions
: Sea Dragon- X damage or enemy + destroy remaining enemy blades " The duel arena fills with water and coral, kelp, and schools of brightly colored fish appear, suddenly a shadow appears moving in the distance swimming closer and closer before a large green sea dragon (a meaner looking version of the pet) swims into view it roars sending bubbles everywhere before smacking an enemy with its tail and swimming off doing X amount of damage.
: Yeti X damage + X% tower shield to random ally "the duel area fills with snowy mountains and it starts to snow heavily, a rumbling is heard and the head of a yeti appears behind the mountains. Roaring it hops out infront of your target before stomping on the ground before the mountain collapses ontop of an enemy dealing X damage and giving a X% shield to random ally
: Flame Titan X damage + X DOT " A large pool of lava appears with bubbling heat brimming among the edges, suddenly a molten rock hand rises from the lava it slowly pulls up a huge lava warrior with a large flaming mace it roars and raises it mace before slamming it down dealing X amount of damage.
: Sphinx- X balance damage + X or or damage + X or or DOT " The duel area becomes filled with sand and a pyramid rises from the ground. Trembling it burts open to reveal a Sphinx on the inside. The creature growls and gets into a punching position before Swiping and enemy with its claw dealing X balance damage. It then shoots beams from its eyes dealing X or or damage. Then it will roar sending toxic fumes down on an enemy dealing X or or DOT effect.
: Chaos Elemental- X (your school damage) + Friendly blade storm + enemy smoke screen. (2 shadow pips/ 5 pips) The floor of the duel area becomes a dark pool with a dark mist reflecting off the surface. A whirlpool appears in the water before a large shadowy figure appears. It laughs in a deep evil tone before shooting a beam from its hands that deals X(your school) damage.
: Sharpen Spear- 10% sharpen to Spear ( any school)
: School polymorphs: 1 shadow pip + 3 pip : Fire Cat- 6 rounds- your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% fire damage and pierce : Ice Beetle- 6 rounds- your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% ice damage and resist (all schools) : Thunder Snake- 6 rounds- Your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% storm damage and crit : Imp- 6 rounds- Your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% life damage and outgoing healing : Ghoul-6 rounds- Your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% death damage and more health absorb( from already absorbing spells) : Blood bat- 6 rounds- Your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% myth damage and minion damage : Scarab- 6 rounds- Your deck of spells but a bonus of 20% balance damage and 5% all school damage
:Forest Maker 7 +2 shadow 1450-1700 damage to all enemies, and 800 to all allies and yourself.
Basically a better forest Lord. Life needs more AOE skills
: Wild Cat 9 +2 shadow 1500-1850 damage to all enemies, summons a blood bat minion
Blood bat has these spells: Tower Shield, Sprite, Donate Power, The Calander Spell, Orthurus, Hummonfrog, Medusa. Blood bat has 2000 Has a 70 power pip chance
: All Shield 7 +1 shadow
Gives a 70% shield for and . After the shields, it does 500 damage to all players, and heals you 100.
Ice Warrior 7 +2 shadow 1700-2000 damage to one enemy Enemy gains 3 ice 40% traps User gains a 50% ice blade User gains a 10% ice spear User gains one pip
Sea Serpant 7 +2 shadow
2000-2500 damage to all enemies All enemies looses one blade.
Witch 7 +2 shadow
1400-1700 damage to all enemies Gains 50% of the that's drained. All enemies gain a death over time- dealing 500 damage per round.
Demon 8 +2 shadow 1700-1900 to all enemies Every enemy gains a -50% accuracy User gets a 40% fireblade. User gets 2 pips User gets 10% firespear
Quote if you like my ideas! Katie LifeSword Level 87