Anybody out there in the Wizard101 gaming community think that there should be spells with mana. I, Blaze Moonflame is starting a petition. So if anybody thinks like me ( having new spells with mana ), wants to vote ( Yes or No of course ), on this topic please do. Also if you happen to, please put your wizards name and vote yes or no. I am also allowing new ideas and spells.
Anybody out there in the Wizard101 gaming community think that there should be spells with mana. I, Blaze Moonflame is starting a petition. So if anybody thinks like me ( having new spells with mana ), wants to vote ( Yes or No of course ), on this topic please do. Also if you happen to, please put your wizards name and vote yes or no. Thank you, Blaze Moonflame
How about a potion that reduces the cost of a spell by one (so a 6-pip would cost 5, etc)? I could maybe see using such in a long DS dungeon or something.