Sorry if this has already been answered, but it's a bit hard to find the answer I need with over 500 pages of threads. ^ ^' When you log in, you get to the screen where your wizards is standing there and you have to hit the play button to enter the game. There's also the option to delete your wizard, or make a "new" one. What does making a new one do? Does it replace your current wizard or does it make an additional one to the one you already have? If it replaces your current wizard, do you keep all the zones/items you've already bought with crowns? I'm asking because I think it would be cool to start over eventually and play through the story again, but I don't want to have to re-buy all the zones and my stuff. Thanks!
When you create a new Wizard you do just that. You have a total of six wizards (five additional) that you can have on your account without deleting your original.
You will keep all zones that your account has purchased.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but it's a bit hard to find the answer I need with over 500 pages of threads. ^ ^' When you log in, you get to the screen where your wizards is standing there and you have to hit the play button to enter the game. There's also the option to delete your wizard, or make a "new" one. What does making a new one do? Does it replace your current wizard or does it make an additional one to the one you already have? If it replaces your current wizard, do you keep all the zones/items you've already bought with crowns? I'm asking because I think it would be cool to start over eventually and play through the story again, but I don't want to have to re-buy all the zones and my stuff. Thanks!
If you make a new wizard, it will be an additional wizard sitting next to your old one. Nothing will happen to your original wizard. When you log in, you will have your choice of which wizard to play with. We can have up to six wizards on one account.